Turning 5, Ouch!

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                   Chapter 5:

               Turning 5,Ouch

     Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Vidia. Happy Birthday to you."

I blew out my candles. It's been a year in this hospital. But, the cake was sure good. Nice and sweet. I open my presents oh look my very own chillow. I dispise warm pillows i always wanna be nice and cool when I go to sleep. I walk to the restroom ouch I bump my arm the bruise forms quickly. Wow that was fast how could that happen so so so fast.  "Mommy I have a new one!" I exclaimed

"A new what sweetie."

"A new bruise...see?"

My mom shook with a heavy head. It kinda scared me when mommy's sad everyone's sad. She's the strong wolf in our pack. When she's hurt everyone else is weak. Life is gonna be a struggle and I'm only five years old. Today was supppsed to be happy

but, It's not when I'm so soar and so tired. And I, I, I,...beep-beep-beeeeeep.

"Dr.Fondont....where's Dr. Fondont?!"Kathy said in a panic

"She's going into luekimic shock."Dr.Fondont exclaimed


The struggle to keep me alive was hard and I gave out in the end.

    My body is gittering, shaking, and pulsing out of control. I can't wake up. I'm trying, I'm pushing, I can't I just can't do it. I'm just too weak and too tired. I shift into an old memory. Me and my horse Cricket sitting outside on a warm day. Me drinkin my sweet tea and Cricket drinkin water out of a bowl like a puppy dog. Then...I wake up gasping for air, I can breathe, I'm awake I can still live another day.

A Hospital Love : A Journey Into A Life With CancerWhere stories live. Discover now