Rant Number One

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Woo first rant!

Now this is sort of about me and about all of the people who experience this problem.

If you don't know me IRL, then you probably don't know that I blush. Like a lot. Like sometimes all 24 hours. If someone talks to me and I don't know them that well, my face will usually go bright red. Sometimes if I get called on in class I will become bright red once again. If someone compliments me I will get bright red. Again. It's pretty much a cycle.

Now the thing is people like to comment on my little blushing problem that I hate very much.

Here's an example- "OMGGG ALEX YOUR FACE IS BRIGHT RED!!1!1!!1!1!!1!1"

Please. Do. Not. Ever. In a million years. Do that to someone. Especially me.

It makes it a lot worse. It'll just make my face even a deeper red. You wanna know what's funny? People actually think I don't know I'm blushing. I totally don't feel a giant burning sensation on my whole face when I blush. Lol sometimes it can hurt.

If you call out my blushing, or anyone's blushing, I ask you politely to stop. This is a lot of people's biggest insecurities and pointing it out just makes us hate ourselves even more.

I give a big thank you to people who don't comment on it and to people who think it's adorable. If I get a compliment on it I'll probably be happy for weeks.

I hope this didn't sound too rude, just a thing I had to let out. It's nice to let anger out every now and then. ;v;

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