Chapter Three

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Sitting on the green grass beside the edge of the lake watching the water softly ripple was the only angel Aria could actually stand to be around. There was no mistaking his platinum blond, neatly brushed hair and his fashionable button up t-shirt, dark jeans and sneakers.

"Raziel?" Aria murmured.

Raziel calmly turned his head around and smiled gently at Aria, waving.

"Ah, Aria, it's been a while!" he called. "Come, sit down with me,"

"How did you find this place?" she replied, cautiously walking over.

"I was lost in my trail of thought and wasn't paying attention to where I was going," He explained as she sat down beside him, hugging her knees to her chest. "When I finally looked around, I found myself here,"

"You always were hopeless when you had your mind on something," Aria nodded. "I've lost count how many times you were meant to follow us and you ended up in a completely opposite direction,"

Raziel chuckled at the memories.

"You're right," he nodded. "Though, at least I know the difference between North and South,"

"Don't bring that up again," Aria groaned. "That was one time okay?"

"Oh I'm sure," Raziel chuckled again. "How have you been by the way? I haven't seen you since the end of last semester,"

"I'm alright," she shrugged gently, glancing back out over the crystal clear lake. "It gets boring at home sometimes, but there's not much I can do about it,"

"You could always come and visit you know," Raziel replied. "Father loves your company,"

"That's only because I can tell him stories about my father," she sighed, resting her chin on her knees. "And he's the only angel that can stand being around me,"

"What of me?" Raziel asked, sounding hurt.

"You don't have a choice if I come around with my father," Aria explained. "Your father basically locks us up in your room and tells us to 'have fun',"

"Well, frankly, I enjoy your company," Raziel shrugged. "Being around only angels all the time can get quite boring,"

"I can't say I would know what that's like," Aria laughed softly.

"That's true," he nodded in reply. "Well, I guess we should leave; it looks like the sun is starting to go down,"

Aria looked up into the darkening sky and nodded wearily. She didn't want to go back to her room at all if she could avoid it. Unfortunately she had no choice.

"I guess so," she finally sighed, standing.

The two walked back out of the dense set of trees and headed back to the dorms. Shadows began to darken as the sun continued to set creating a warm, orange glow over the horizon. While they were walking along the path, a loud, ear bursting squeal filled the air. Before either of the two realised it, Raziel was sprawled along the ground; an annoying blond-haired, blue-eyed angel atop of him.

"Razzy, you're finally here!" Briella squeaked happily, her white feathered wings giving away how she got to him so fast.

"Briella, please get off me," Raziel wheezed. "You're crushing my lungs,"

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, scrambling off him as her wings slowly began to vanish into thin-air.

"It's perfectly fine," Raziel coughed, slowly getting to his feet. "Aria are you okay? You're bleeding,"

Aria blinked a few times before reaching her hand to her cheek, realising there was blood.

"It's just a scratch," she replied, licking her thumb and swiping it across her cheek; immediately stopping the bleeding.

"I'm glad," Raziel smiled softly before turning back to Briella. "You know we aren't allowed to fly around the grounds yet. Especially since Angel wings are harder than diamond and sharper than the tungsten needle,"

"I'm sorry," she pouted, not sounding sorry at all. "I just was so excited to see you!"

"Oh I'm sure," Aria murmured.

"Why are you such a bitch?" Briella hissed at her, glowering.

"Briella!" Raziel barked. "What sort of an Angel are you? We treat everyone equally; you should know that by now,"

"She's just a demon," she tried to argue. "Angels and demons have never been friendly,"

"Devil," Raziel and Aria corrected at the same time.

"Demon, Devil; same race," she attempted again.

"Completely different," the two friends responded once more.

"Why do you stick up for her?" Briella cried, tearing up. "She's just a lowlife who gives you defiled souls!"

"Well, about that," Aria began to explain but Briella cut her off by storming away; her blue eyes brimming with tears.

In a split second, her wings were back and she was gone.

"No matter what," Aria sighed, "She is the fastest flyer in the school,"

"She spends more time on her flying than on her manners," Raziel winced. "If father saw what she was like towards you, she would be a Fallen without a second's notice,"

"You guys are really strict on your manners, aren't you?" Aria recalled. "I remember you having to take so many lessons about the different expectations from different cultures,"

"We are the purest beings on this planet," Raziel murmured, "hatred and anger only defile us and limit our powers,"

"And yet you hang out with someone like me," Aria replied softly, staring at the ground.

"Angels accept all forms of life," Raziel said, gently gripping her shoulder. "Many of us just find it difficult to show that accepting side,"

"I know," she nodded.

"Good," Raziel smiled, before he frowned and turned quite serious. "Before I leave, I need to ask you something,"

"Go ahead," Aria replied, unsure what was going on now.

"Has your father talked to you about the issue with souls lately?"

"Well, I guess so," Aria replied, trying to recall the conversation she had just had with her father before coming here. "He said we were receiving far too many tainted souls, and that you were in demand for more because of the rise in population,"

"And you can't give us any because they are still tainted," he nodded, biting the tip of his thumb in deep thought. "Has he told you anything else?"

"No, why?"

"No reason," he replied hesitantly. "We must be off, the sun has set and I'm not sure I'd like to be given night detention before classes officially start,"

"That's true I guess," Aria replied, immensely confused by both the situation and Raziel's actions.

"I'll speak to you again soon Aria," he strained a smile. "Stay well,"

"You too," she waved awkwardly as he jogged away and out of sight.

Still dumbfounded, Aria made her way back to her dorm, and upstairs to room 666. With a groan, she opened the door only to find that the room was empty; much to her relief.

Maybe she's gone to cry to her friends about how I've given her 'boyfriend' a love potion or something. Aria sighed to herself.

Dropping onto her bed, she didn't bother changing tonight. Instead, she wanted to fall asleep as quickly as possible; bad feelings forming in her gut. Aria had afeeling that this year was going to be very different from the rest.

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