Chapter Four

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All rights reserved © Ellimay

School was never fun. Even when you went somewhere full of different supernatural races. Like anywhere else; every day was the same. Vampires and Werewolves fighting along the main corridor, the school guards hunting down the Jaculi that were hiding along the rafters, the Fuaths constantly talking into random mirrors (presumably to the Mirror People) and of course all of the Angels and Demons death-glaring each other as they pass in the hallways.

Of course, Aria got those glares as well.

Walking along the familiar corridors, Aria silently took in all of the conversations and movements that surrounded her; memorising faces, peaking at souls. Being someone who was in control of souls and their purification process, Devil's had the unique ability to read the souls of humans, and any other earth-roaming creature. Some were harder to read than others, usually the more powerful creatures such as High-Class Demons or Angels, but every soul had a timer. When that timer was up, the soul would leave the body and venture to the Desert to be purified before being reincarnated by God and his Angels.

Aria refused to read that information though. It was not her place to know when someone would die. Instead, she assessed the amount of sin and purity. Walking down the halls, she noticed the same things as usual. Most souls had small amounts of sins, other's had more than they should. Nothing that couldn't be purified after a few years in the Desert though.

Slowly shuffling around the corner, Aria's thoughts were cut short as she saw a familiar young girl, her face full of confusion and some worry.

"Tia, are you alright?" Aria called out to the young Auki.

"Aria?" Tia replied, her face brightening up. "I didn't think I'd see you again so soon!"

"It's a small planet," Aria smiled. "But are you alright? You seemed lost,"

"Well, I'm supposed to be heading towards Earth History, but I don't know where my classroom is," she sighed, clutching the timetable she held in her hands.

"May I see?" Aria asked, holding her hand out for the table.

Tia handed it over with a soft nod. After looking over it, Aria knew exactly where Tia's classroom was.

"Lucky for you, your classroom is directly across from mine," She smiled, gesturing for her to follow.

"Really?" Tia exclaimed; her small, petite figure instantly brightening up in excitement.

"Yes really," Aria nodded in reply, handing back the table and leading the way through the complex set of corridors.

The two girls chatted for the few minutes they could before arriving at their classrooms for first period. With a groan of a sigh from the both of them, they waved goodbye and walked into their rooms; Tia into World History and Aria into Senior Advanced Magic.

She didn't even have to open the door before she knew the people she would be sharing her class with.

"Razzy, why are you ignoring me!?" Briella's voice whined from the other side of the classroom door.

With a huge sigh, Aria quietly entered and slunk her way to the back of the empty classroom, plonking down on the floor. Glancing around, Aria watched silently as the annoying Angel draped her arms over Raziel's shoulders, forcing him to drag her around when he walked.

"Briella, please get off me," he asked politely, trying to remove her arms from around his neck.

"But Razzy!" She complained loudly. "You're ignoring me!"

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