Chapter 10: Niall Says Hi

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Chapter 10: Niall Says Hi

I probably stared at the door for hours crying hoping that Niall would come back and lift me from the ground and hold me in he's arms but nothing. I got up from the cold ground and ran up the steps to our room I went to grab my suit case but then I realized my packed clothes were in my car from the last time I broke out. I sighed and just grabbed my coat then I thought of something I fumbled through the desk for a pen and paper I finally found the items I needed and wrote Niall a letter I signed the letter and placed it on the pillow. I cried as I exited the room mostly because I'm never going to see this room again I walked down the stairs and grabbed my keys from the little table next to the door then I jetted out of the house to my car.

~Niall's POV~

"Another beer please ed"

ed took my cup and quickly refilled it

"whats bugging you Niall?"

he asked concerned

"why do you think something is up?"

I snapped he laughed

"well you only come here when your down"

"what happen if I wanted to drop by and say hello"

Ed chuckled

"come on Niall really what's up?"

I let out a long sigh

"me and yn are in a fight and I think were done"

Ed placed the cup in front of me

"oh you and yn fight all the time you guys always get through it"

I sighed

"not this time I screwed up big time"

I cleared my throat

"hey Ed"

"yeah man"

I paused before speaking

"is it sad that a side of me is happy cause were done".

Ed looked at me shocked

"did you even love her?"

he asked confused I gave him a 'are you stupid look'

"of course I did I still do its just the stress that woman gave me its its-"

"a real relationship"

Ed interrupted


a girl yelled then Ed went to assist her. I thought hard about it no relationship is perfect not at all it took me this long to realize this but the whole harry thing I don't know how I feel about that still.

"Its on me"

I told Ed as he made the gorgeous girl with black hair her drink she gave me a beautiful smile

"thank you"

I smiled back


the woman with jet black hair and pink lips grabbed the sit next me.

"Here you are ma'am"

Ed said as he placed the apple martini in front of her

"thank you"

she took a sip of her drink and smiled at me

"not to be a stalker or anything but I heard your whole conversation earlier"

I sighed


I simply answered.

"You deserve so much better"

she said placing her hand on mine I sighed

"I mean I saw here kissing my best friend I mean we weren't together at-"


she yelled I looked at her confused


I nodded my head and basically told her every detail of mine and yn's relationship. Then she grabbed my face and kissed me passionately

~Yn's POV~

I harshly banged on the door seconds later the door swung opened Harry looked down at me concerned

"yn what's-"

I cut him off by placing my finger on his plumped pink lips. I brought my face closer to his my feet slowly leaving the ground

"Niall says hi"

and just like me and Harry began to make-out.

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