Chapter Two - Snow

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"How To Control Anger"

"What is Anger, and What Causes It?"

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Some of the 'anger' synonyms I know: rage, displeasure, vexation, animosity.

All of these were shining vividly on Dr. Grimhilde's face, each emotion twisting her beautiful features. Her eyes flared with temper as she bent over to pick the phone up.

"Snow?" she was muttering, "Snow? How? I knew it was a bad omen when I heard of Leo's former wife's death, just after creating that. Ha! I'll show you ingenious . . . "

Walking with heavier steps than before, Dr. Grimhilde barges out of her study room, slamming her door, something she always reminded Randy not to do.

Randy's hand clenches around my wrist. I had forgotten that he was with me. I let out a breath.

"It's safe to go out," I sigh, my words orderly despite my shaking hands. I suppose Leo had tuned out most of the bad things humans do, and keep the good ones, like smiling. Even after Dr. Grimhilde yelled at me, unstable and wobbly words never come out.

After we sneaked out of Dr. Grimhilde's room, Randy and I separate without exchanging words, understanding turmoil we currently feel. I can tell that Randy's image of his step-mother, who had basically been his mom, was becoming questionable. Dr. Grimhilde had truly loved Randy, and pampered him. For sure, Randy will doubt what recently happened, and enter a phase of thinking that he misunderstood the situation. Then he will try to see this all from his step-mother's point of view but fail. His mental capacity is not yet like Dr. Grimhilde's, so he will not be able to see why being underrated causes fury.

I, on the other hand, am stunned. I had not known that Dr. Grimhilde valued her mind so much. Nor had I known the extent of her hatred for me. Why would she be enraged, maybe even jealous, of a "hunk of metal"?

Oh, but of course. The cause of most humans' jealousy: love.

Leo had poured his whole life and love into me. Most of his attention, if not all, were fixed on me, and although he felt attracted to Dr. Grimhilde, I would always be next to his heart. She knew she was merely a phase of his life.

Now that I have deeply pondered upon this, I can finally see from Dr. Grimhilde's perspective:

Me, the center of everyone's attention, being beaten by a genius anthroid. Oh, and hating the fact that I can't stop my envy.

It was enough to drive a person crazy.

A warning flashed across my mind. I look up instinctively and see that I was about to walk into a wall. My feet stop automatically, even before my eyes register what happened. I shake my head and turn left, where my room is located.

Inside my room, there are a variety of instruments lying scattered around. As an anthroid, I could play all of them after downloading a program for it. Music was such a wonderful, yet complicated thing.

Like a machine, little bits of tiny parts fit together and work with each other to create a masterpiece. Yet it isn't artificial, which is very different from machines. Could you call sounds resonating from an instrument artificial? After all, it is man-made. I guess it's the notes that are played that are artificial, and the sound that makes the note is natural.

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