Peeled Apples

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Yoongi has been endlessly typing in his laptop for three whole hours while Jimin silently reads one of his books, Of Peaches and Blues. There's no words spoken, but the room was surely anything but quiet. The lightspeed clicks coming from Yoongi's laptop, the quiet mumbling from Jimin, and of course, the soft snores coming from Taehyung, laying motionless on the sofa.

"Hyung," Jimin called. Earning a sound of approval from the elder.

"What," Yoongi said. His eyes still focused on the screen and his fingers still moving.

"Why does Peach have to wither?" Jimin asked as he kept his hands hovering above the bunch of embossed papers.

"Because that's the only way for it to talk to Blue again." Yoongi replied absent mindedly.

"But Blue is the sky, right?" Jimin asked, yet again.

"Yeah. Skies can't talk. Blue's voice is just a figment of Peach's imagination." Yoongi explained.

Jimin's heart clenched. Why does the story ended like that? Wasn't it supposed to be a children's book? Why can't the damn peach get a happy ending?

"Hyung, this is so depressing." Jimin said as he closed the book. Yoongi chuckled.

"It's a happy ending though. Peach got to talk to Blue again." He replied as he took his glasses off and placing it on the table. He then massaged the bridge of his nose.

"But Blue doesn't even exist." Jimin insisted.

"Blue doesn't even have to be real to make Peach happy." Yoongi replied.

"Nooo," Jimin whined, earning a chuckle from Yoongi. "Blue has to be real. He has to be." Jimin added.

"What if I'm not real? Would you stop talking to me?" Yoongi replied.

"Of course not! But you're real, hyung. So it's nothing to worry about." Jimin said as he rubbed the nape of his neck.

"That's what Peach thought as well, Jimin." Yoongi said as he set aside his laptop. He took a deep breath and groaned. "I feel so tired, I wonder why." Yoongi said as he lay down onto his bed.

"What? But you just slept, hyung." Jimin answered.

"Hey, writing takes a whole lot of energy. Don't underestimate me." Yoongi said playfully. Jimin laughed.

"You act and sound like an old man, hyung. Sometimes I wonder if you're really 23." Jimin joked when the door of their room opened right before Yoongi could grab onto something that he could use as a projectile towards the younger.

"Min Yoongi-ssi, you have a visitor." Said one of the nurses.

A young man with wine colored hair and yellow colored school uniform walked in holding a basket full of apples, oranges, and fruits of the same sort.

"Oh, Kook. You're here." Said Yoongi. Jimin tilted his head as he tried to decipher who the stranger was and what's happening inside their room.

"Is that what you're supposed to say to me, hyung? You didn't even tell me that you got admitted in a damn hospital." Said the younger. His tone a little bit harsh.

"It's nothing serious." Yoongi replied.

"Nothing serious? Hyung, knowing your condition could you at least be a little more concerned about your well being?" Jungkook said as he placed the basket down, not daring to face the elder.

"Okay okay, I'm at fault. I'm sorry. Gosh, chill a little won't you." Yoongi said. "Sorry Chim, this is my younger brother, Jungkook." Yoongi said as he introduced the high schooler standing beside him. Jungkook turned around and saw a man, probably his age or maybe even younger. His childlike features and blank eyes radiating innocence and childishness.

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