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Yoongi hated how people's attitude change around him when they knew how sick he is. The deceitful eyes, mirroring artificial pity and sympathy. Yoongi hated it. He hated how reliant his parents have become. He hated how his entire class have somehow became his closest friends.

They knew he was dying. That's why they tolerated him. But Namjoon and Seokjin were different. Seokjin, or Jin, nagged at him as always. Namjoon cursed at him. Saying that everyone's going to die anyway. Why should they give Yoongi a special treatment? They managed to make Yoongi felt normal again, and Yoongi felt comfortable around them. But Jimin, the man is a definition of sunshines and rainbows when Yoongi defined rain falls and snow storms. Jimin made him felt different. That, he was aware of.

It was Saturday morning, the day in which Yoongi would be released from his hospital stay. It was a rainy, gloomy Saturday. Jimin was still asleep. It's one of the very rare instances where Min Yoongi managed to wake up before the clock strikes 6.a.m. in the morning. He walked towards the window of his room, opening it's curtain.

Everything was grey. The sky, the buildings, the roads, and he could saw his own reflection on the window.

Miserable was one of the few words that crossed his mind the moment his eyes met his own on the reflection. Dark rings rimmed his eyeballs, faded mint hair tousled, tired eyes meeting his own, chipped lips tinted with dried blood and his deathly pale skin. He looked miserable, to say the least.

Yoongi let out a lonely sigh as Jimin's bed ruffled.

"Hyung?" Jimin whined as he rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't meant to wake you up." Yoongi said as he walked over and sat on the bottom of Jimin's bed. The younger looked flustered. His eyes still as unfocused as it used to be. His bright orange hair was in thousands of different directions. His plain white t-shirt slipping off of his shoulder.

"No, you didn't woke me up. I'm an early bird, unlike you." Jimin joked as he smiled. His eyes forming into beautiful crescents.

Yoongi chuckled and fixed the younger's t-shirt. "I can't seem to sleep properly last night." Yoongi said softly.

"You slept at 7.p.m, hyung. Of course you're not able to sleep properly." Jimin deadpanned. "I always wonder how you could fall asleep literally any time and any where."

"Sometimes I'm just too tired that I could just drop dead." Yoongi said as he plopped onto Jimin's bed. The younger chuckled. His voice sounded like bells.

"Hey don't be such a downer." Jimin said as he playfully kicked Yoongi's sides. Earning a grunt from the elder. "You're leaving today, right hyung?" Jimin asked. His voice more subtle.

"Yeah. My friends are coming to pick me up later." Yoongi said as he sat up.

"Oh," Jimin said. Yoongi noticed the changed demeanor of the younger. He ruffled the younger's hair playfully.

"I saved my phone number in your phone the other day. Speed dial number 5." Yoongi said. Jimin grinned.

"Really? Why number 5?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi rubbed the nape of his neck. "I thought it would be easier for you to contact me that way. The damn number is in the middle of your ancient looking phone. You can't miss that, right?" Yoongi said.

"Yeah. I can't. I'll probably piss you off and call you every day to rid me of my boredom and Taehyung." Jimin said as he smiled. "Come visit me a lot, yeah?" He continued.

Yoongi smiled at the boy in front of him, fully knowing that he can't see.

"You're not even sick, Chim. Why do you stay here?" Yoongi asked.

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