The Bad News Started It All

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                              CHAPTER 1

I was driving home from the trip to the woods that we had with my sister Bella. It was like camping but for a Tree Huggers foundation.  We were singing to Party Rock Anthem which had a lot of complex beeping sounds but it was still catchy. As I was entering my driveway, I heard a crash and feel a rough bump!

Me and Bella jumped out of the way and landed in the grass. I picked myself up and was astonished at what I saw in front of me! Another car had collided with mine and had crashed into it! It was a disastrous sight. I quickly called 911 and tried to open the door for the driver. Bella helped me open it. I looked inside the car and checked who was inside. My stomach did a flip flop; the person inside the car was Nick, my best friend.

With my heart in my throat I checked his pulse. THANK GOODNESS that he was alive! An incident like that could’ve been a horrible and fatal tragedy. Since I was studying Medicine I predicted that he probably had a small concussion so he was hopefully going to be ok.

 When the paramedics arrived I was the only one allowed to go inside the ambulance with him since I was more qualified than Bella. Therefore the authorities were bombarding me with questions. I told them that when I found Nick that he was alive and ok except for some few cuts and that it looked like he had a concussion.

Since I was no longer needed when we got to the hospital, I was about to leave, when suddenly my arm felt very itchy like when a mosquito bites you but ten times worse. I looked down and saw a red rash. It was some poison ivy that I got from be in the woods. I went in the hospital again and asked to see a doctor immediately. It was becoming a nuisance.

I waited in the waiting room and was reading a magazine when a doctor approached me.

“Excuse me, Miss.”He asked.

“Yes.” I answered.

“I would like to talk to you about the driver that you checked in.”

“Yes, my best friend, is he going to be ok?”

The doctor suddenly seemed squeamish. I asked him again.

“Doctor, is he going to be ok?” I waited for the answer, holding my breath.

“I’m sorry Miss, but Nick Cardona has died of a serious head concussion.” I collapsed to the floor and blacked out.


*A/N- ok so this is my first story on Wattpad and I wanted to try it out. so errr idk VOTE!!!! :)* 

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