Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Every single one of you

Amy's POV*

It's unbelievable isn't it, that a person who loves you would sacrifice anything for you.

That's exactly what I was thinking when Bella found me in the deserted hospital hallways.

While I was debating with myself if I liked Nick or not, I must've strayed away from the section I was held in.

Did I really like Nick or not? I couldn't help myself from over thinking it. Even while Bella hugged me and asked me if I was okay, I just couldn't stop. I started to remember that he had been there for me whenever I needed him. He's been my best friend since third grade and would always be protective of me, although there was that one time...

But no, I couldn't bring myself to think about it. I'm sure there was a mistake, I mean, Nick wouldn't hurt me. He wouldn't. He doesn't deserve whats happening to him.

I didn't feel the tears streaming down my face until Bella pointed it out.

"Amy dear, are you all right?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I hurridly answered wiping away my tears.

"Why did you leave the room?" She inquired.

"Well I just had to take a breath of fresh air." I lied, hoping she wouldn't see through it.

"Uh-huh.." She answered suspiciously.

Before she could ask me anymore questions I pulled her over to Nick's room. If only I could've prepared myself for the sight I was about to see.

A blonde girl with was all over Nick, kissing him all over his face. It made me sick just to see her.

"Lily." I nearly growled.

She looked over at me and gave me a glare.

"What are YOU doing here?" She asked in her whiny voice.

Before I could respond, Bella grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside. I struggled for her to let loose but her grip was strong.

"Why did we leave? I could've easily answered her question by punching her in the face!" I told Bella.

She just rolled her eyes. "As much as I would've loved to see that, you can't. What if Nick woke up and saw that scene? Lily would immediatly blame the fight on you and Nick would be against you. And anyway, this is a hospital, not WWE."

I got her point and I knew it would've been extremely childish of me to start a fight with Lily. At the mention of Nick, I started to worry about my problems again. I knew that I had to sort my feelings. I can't fall in love with him. I was his best friend and vice versa, and anyways, he had a girlfriend. She was fake, annoying, and clingy, but he loved her and I can't get in the way of it. I'm sure that if he was in my place (which he will never be since he obviously doesn't like me) then he would want me to be happy. I'm sure that as soon as he wakes up, all of these doubts would be gone.

I looked around and saw the hallway empty with the exception of a nurse. Bella must've left me alone with my thoughts.

"Amy! A nurse! I need a nurse! Or a doctor!!!! Someone!!!!" I heard someone yell.

I grabbed a nurse's arm as I ran to Nick's room. I managed to yell the words "Stop, need, you, now,room, 215." She gave me a curt nod and ran along with me. I looked in Nick's room and looked at a terrifying sight.

Nick was in convulsions on his bed while Lily squeaked and cried. Bella was sobbing next to him. I stood there crying and felt my cheeks get wet once again. Doctors ran in while telling us to leave the room. We followed their strict orders and sat in the waiting room, my body feeling numb. I saw Bella's lips move and I assumed that she had said something. But I couldn't hear anything.

The only thing I heard was a small voice in my head, repeating a phrase over and over.

He can't make it, he's dead. He can't make it, he's dead. He can't make it, he's dead. He can't make it, he's dead.

********************dun ****dun*******dun**********************

oKAY sooooo I finally updated and I hope you like it. This was mostly a filler as Amy realizes what her feelings are. Okay so bye!!! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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