Chapter Three

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Taehyung POV

I pedaled as fast as I could to school, not caring about how tired and hurt I would be later. It was today, I remember thinking. Today.

I locked my bicycle in front of the school and ran inside, my heart beating out of my chest. I still couldn't believe it was today.

I stood in front of the closed classroom door, my thighs slightly quivering from all the fast pedaling. I took a deep breath, reminding myself that today was special. And I could not mess it up.

I slid the door open, my hand weakly and slightly shaking. Once the door was open and I looked up to see a young classmate, the only other person already there, my rectangular smile started showing.

The black-haired classmate looked up and met my eyes. As soon as they did I ran towards him and he stood up from his desk.

"Jungkook!" I half-yelled as I embraced the slightly shorter boy in my arms, burying my face in his shoulder.

He patted my back as he said,"I missed you too, Taehyung."

I hugged him tighter for a couple more seconds and finally let go of my friend.

"How was your vacation?" I nosily asked.

He simply smiled,"It was great, Japan's so pretty in the spring. I wish you could've come with me."

"Me too. I was so lonely without you!" I whined and playfully punched his arm.

"Agh," he groaned.

Did I hurt him? Was that too rough?

"Oh. Sorry. I forgot," I apologized.

"Its fine," he smiled again," I've been getting better," he slowly moves his left arm.

"That's great," I said. Relieved that I didn't do much damage.

"So what did you do while I wasn't here?" He asked while organizing his papers on his desk.

"Stayed locked up in my room all day watching movies." I honestly answered.

"No way! All week? Don't you have any other friends?"

"I do!" I defensively said,"but I didn't feel like going out."

"Wow, hyung. Your life must be sad."

"Shut up!"

We laughed and talked. Getting caught up to date with each others lives until the bell rang, signifying the beginning of class. I was so glad we sat next to each other.

Don't misunderstand! Its not like I have feelings for Jungkook! We're childhood friends. Dating a childhood friend would be weird wouldn't it? And, let's not forget we're both guys. That would be even weirder. Besides, where we live, its normal for guys to be close. And the ladies love it when we act all gay with each other. I don't know why, but if they find it entertaining, then it must be, right?

The rest of class was boring. Reading is easy. So is math. And English. Why am I here again? Oh, right, law.

After much wait and anticipation, the bell for lunch rang and I walked toward Jungkook who was putting his stuff away.

"Jungkook-ah, let's eat together!"


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