Chapter Four

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Jungkook POV

"Jungkook-ah, let's have lunch."


We walked together to the roof, which was where we'd always had lunch together. The nice breeze made the moment all the more special.

"What'd you bring?" Taehyung asked while peeking over my shoulder.

"Nothing, really," I mumbled as I took my sandwich out of my lunch box.

He snatched my sandwich in a zip lock out of my hand. "Hey!" I whined.

He barely opened the bag and made a gagging face.

"What's in here?!" He exaggerated as he smelled it again.

I don't know why it smelled bad to him. I didn't smell anything. Wait. Was the mayo expired? Maybe that's why it was so hard to spread.

"Is it expired?" I asked while taking it from him to smell for myself. After smelling it for a while I simply said, "I don't smell it."

"Jungkook! You can't be eating this! Don't you have any decent food?!"

Did I have anything else?

"Uhhh," I searched through my lunch box,"I thought I brought an apple today."

"Jungkook!" He screamed again.

"Its okay. I was busy yesterday. Plus, I'm not that hungry really," I smiled.

Grrrrr. My stomach growled at the worst time possible.

"Jungkook! Do not lie to me!"

"Ah....I'm sorry." I bowed my head. He chuckled and gave me his lunch box.

"D...don't you need to eat too?" I asked him.

"Nah," he leaned back," I ate too much this morning."

Grrrrrrrrrrr. His stomach growled too. Except louder. Like, really loud.

I laughed.

"I-its not that funny!" He whined like a Japanese schoolgirl.

"Here," I set the lunch box in the middle of the both of us," we can share it." I smiled again.

A couple minutes later...


"Is it really that good?" Taehyung asked with his rectangular smile.

"Delicious! Did you make this, Hyung?!" I asked while stuffing my face with the lunch he had brought.

"Of course not!" He said, still smiling. Looking at me like I was some sort of small child. "My mom made it. She's a good cook right?"

"The best!" My eyes widened. "Your mom's an amazing cook!"

"Too bad I didn't inherit that from her."

I looked to see that Taehyung had barely eaten some of his half of the food.

"Hyung, aren't you gonna finish eating?"

"Huh?" He looked at his food," Oh. Why, do you want it?"

"Can I?!"


I took some from his hand. As I was about to put it in my mouth I noticed Taehyung watching me extra closely. He must actually be hungry. He just gave it to me out of kindness.

I held the food in front of his face.

He slightly leaned backwards, responding to my action. His cheeks slightly brightening.

"Wh-wh-what are you doing?" He said, still leaning back.

"You're hungry right? Say 'ah'." I told him.

After looking hesitant for a second he opened his mouth and accepted the offering.

"Mmmm. This is good!" He mumbled as he chewed.


We laughed and talked until it was time for us to go back downstairs and attend class.

'I missed you too, Taehyung.'

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