Chapter Fourteen

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Jungkook POV

Taehyung left. He didn't even say goodbye. He said goodbye to Hoseok. But not me.

Ha! You're so naïve, Jungkook! You thought he actually liked you?

Well...he did all those things, even when I was asleep...

He's just playing with you! Using you to forget his feelings for Hoseok, I bet that's what it is!'re lying.

Am I?

I watched as they talked. I watched as they walked and laughed together. I saw it all. Taehyung looks so genuinely happy when Hoseok smiles. Who wouldn't, right? He looks so much happier with Hoseok than when he hangs out around me. I know that. He's happier with Hoseok than I could ever make him.

I thought about that when we were at the movies. I thought about me and Taehyung. I thought about Taehyung and Hoseok. I even thought about me and Jimin... (A/N: Kookie you slut)

I wanted to go home right after the movie ended. I wanted to think in silence and in privacy. I want to leave...

But Jimin and Hoseok still wanted to hang out together. So Jimin dropped me off at my house and he left to God knows where with Hoseok. He chose Hoseok over me. Why is Hoseok stealing everyone I love?

No, Jungkook. You mustn't think that way. Hoseok is a great guy and you know that. Don't pin your anger on him for no reason.

I do have a reason. He took Taehyung.

He never took him away. Maybe if you pay attention you'll see that Taehyung looks at you way more than Hoseok. But you've been too blind with jealousy to notice.

Don't bring my hopes up, I'm hurt enough as it is...

I unlocked the door and went up to my room. On the way I found a note from my mom saying she was at a friends' house.

I laid in bed and looked up at the ceiling. I wondered if ignoring Taehyung until I sorted out my feelings was the right thing. In that time, what if I actually realized that I liked him? And what if he had already gotten over me since we weren't talking?

Dammit, Jimin...come home quick. I need someone to talk to...

Frustrated, I picked up my phone and just watched whatever came up first on my YouTube home page first. I don't even know exactly when I fell asleep, but when I woke up Jimin was sitting on the bed in front of me.

"You finally woke up." He smiled.

"What time is it," I asked as I sat up.

"Eight o'clock. Barely." He went back to typing on his phone.

"Who are you texting?" I asked, trying to get a closer look at his phone.

Jimin pulled away and faced the screen away from me. "No one, its nobody." Light blush forming on his cheeks.

"Awwww," I teased," Is it Yoongi? Did he finally text you back?"

"N-no, its Hoseok...and what do you mean 'finally'?!" He screamed.

"Sorry, sorry," I laughed. He laughed. We laughed together. It felt good after a day full of jealousy and disappointment. But I'm sure tomorrow will be better.

It has to be, right?


Jimin POV

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