Chapter Eleven

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Third Person POV

Jimin and Jungkook stood out on the front porch while they waited for Taehyung to arrive. It hadn't been long, yet Jimin was getting extremely impatient. He yawned again for the 30th time in the past 5 minutes as Jungkook texted Taehyung to make sure he was on his way.

Judging from the lack of response, Jungkook assumed Taehyung was already on his way to pick them both up and take them to the movie theater.

Jimin and Jungkook sat on the chairs in their casual attire and watched the road intently.

While Jimin asked himself how long it would be before he went back to sleep, Jungkook wondered about the meaning behind the text messages Taehyung had sent earlier in the morning.

A couple minutes passed and Taehyung finally arrived. Jungkook sat in the front with him and Jimin laid down in the back, trying to regain his lost hours of sleep.

"What movie are we gonna go see?" Jungkook asked the driver.

"I don't know yet."

"You don't know?" They heard Jimin whine. "You invited us, but you don't know?"

"I invited Jungkook. I never remember inviting you."

"That's harsh."

"Do you want to listen to music?" This was Jungkook's attempt to break the tension between his two best friends. Or rather, his only friends.

Jimin fell asleep as Taehyung drove to the movie theater and Jungkook played all the G-Dragon songs he had on his phone in one continuous loop.

"You sure like this guy." Taehyung commented when That XX started playing for the fifth time.

"He's my idol."

"He's all of Korea's idol."

"Yeah, but mine specifically."

"Alright then." Taehyung found it cute that he looked up so much to GD. It also made Taehyung wish that he had someone like that to look up to, or admire. It would've been better if Taehyung was G-Dragon himself, then he could receive an infinite amount of Kookie's love.

Nah, that's asking too much.


Taehyung POV

"We're here!" I yelled when as soon as I parked in front of the movie theater Kookie and I had visited so many times as friends. Perhaps one day we'll be able to come here as more.

I unconsciously shook my head to try to get rid of my cheesy cringe-worthy thoughts.

Jungkook woke up from his small nap,"We're here already?" He asked while wiping drool off his mouth. He really looked cute when he was sleeping. Don't worry. I made sure to get pictures.


I heard a snore. Coming from the backseat. Damn. I forgot Jimin was here.

Well, its not like it was a date anyway. I'll let him tag along, for Jungkook's sake.

"Yah, Jimin, wake up, we're here." I shook his shoulder as he mumbled something under his breath.

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