*not an update*

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Hello! Thank you for reading my story all the way up to here. As you know this story is already complete, but everyday it gains more attention. It makes me really happy to know that so ,any people are enjoying this story (we're almost at 1000 reads woohoo!), but I'd still like it if more people checked out my other stories too!

I finished my second fanfic (also Vkook) called SALTY (you can find it on my page) and I'd really like it if you checked it out and told me what you think!

I also started 3 new fanfics not too long ago and I'll try to update those (they're chanbaek, taoris, and jihope) as much as I can (which might not be too much because I started school and its a magnet school so its pretty stressful even at the first week). Please check those out when I update them!

Also don't forget to *please* follow me to stay updated on all my books and random things I have to say

Even if you just need someone to talk to I'm always willing to listen! You can just message me on wattpad for whatever reason, I'll listen to whatever you have to say. Or we can just fangirl together who knows..

Anywayss thanks for reading my stories and voting and I love all the comments so thank you! I love you~

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