Chapter 1

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"HARUNA!" Rina shouted while running towards her but Haruna ignored Rina as if she was just the wind. Rina realized she was ignored, so she purposely fell on the ground "AAH!!"

"Oi Rina!" Haruna shouted at her while running towards the girl with a worried face. Rina hid her face with a grin "Yes! My plan worked!"

Haruna: Rina are you okay? Do you have any scratches or bruises? Does your head hurt?

Rina: -giggle- Im okay no i don"t have bruises and my head doesn't hurt.

Haruna: Oh thank God! you should've just walked! 

Rina: well i shouted your name but you just sat there like a deaf person.

Haruna: Oh that was because you were shouting. i don't like it when you shout at me like a crazy Dinosaur haha!!

Rina gave haruna an annoyed look as if haru thought Rina was crazy,she Raised her hand and hit haru on the head. Haru clutched her aching head, she regretted calling Rina crazy she was just kidding anyway. 

Rina: now then, I was calling you because we're gonna go and meet Tomo at the cafe today, she said she wants us to meet someone. Don't you remember?

Haruna jumped a bit giving Rina a confused look.

Haruna: It was today? i thought it was next week! wow I don't seem to realize it, guess I was busy.

Rina: well i got some news for you genius. IT'S TODAY.

Haruna just smiled and insisted on going to the cafe. She just felt a little uneasy going there, it's as if something were to happen. Or something dear to her will be taken away, Haruna took a while to think.

Rina: Oi aren't you coming?

Haruna stopped thinking and just shrugged it, she thought to herself that she doesn't have anything important now. And so they went off to meet Tomo at the cafe.

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