Chapter 2

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When Haru and Rina arrived at the cafe, they saw Tomo sitting with a rather good looking girl. Haruna pulled rina's shirt and hid for a moment to observe her.

Rina: Hey why you gotta pull me like that?!

Haruna: Im sorry but...whos that?

Rina: -facepalm- you have got to be kidding me haru.

Haruna: I AM NOT TO BE KIDDING YOU, now tell me..

Rina:Thats the person that Tomo wanted us to meet! I can't believe you forgot again, and we already talked about this before we got here.

Haruna: Oh yeah! Haha well you see i was starving and forgot about the whole 'meeting someone' thing hehe. Im craving for meat....MEAT!!

Rina: You know thats only cute when dai-chan says it.

Haruna: Rina dai-chan is a stuffed doll.


Haruna: Doll 

Rina: BABY!!!

While the two were quarreling, Tomo noticed them and started to shout out their names really loud.

Tomo: OIIII!!!! HARUNA!!! RINA!!!! OVER HERE!!!!

They stopped and went to where Tomo and the girl were sitting. When they sit down, Tomo introduced them to the girl.

Tomomi: heyyo guys! This is my friend Sasazaki Mami! Mami meet Ono Haruna and Suzuki Rina!

Haruna: Nice to meet you and by the way you can call me haru.

Rina: Hi, im happy to meet you! mind if i call you mamitasu?

Mami: Nice to meet you guys too, and no i dont mind if you call me that.

Tomomi: Well intro is finally done, LETS ORDER NOW!!!!!!

the three laughed at Tomo's childish act, when waiting for their order to arrive they started to chit chat. except for Mami, she locked her eyes only on Rina but she  doesn't seem to notice it. Haru did but she kept quiet about it and then.

Tomomi: Hey Mami-chan, why are you staring at Rina like she's your next prey?

Rina had a confused look on her face while looking at Tomo and then over to Mami.

Mami: She is.

All three: EEEHHHHH?!!!!!!

Mami: Noo guys im just kidding haha! Rina is just a cutie thats all.

Rina gave an embarrased smile and blushed at Mami's compliment, Tomo keeps denying that Rina is cuter than her. Because of Mami's compliment to Rina, Haru stared at Rina for awhile and also thought she was really cute. Haruna didn't pay any attention to the others after that, she just took a peek on rina at the corner of her eye most of the time.

They all finished their meals and went outside the cafe, they were about to part their ways when mami asked Rina.

Mami: Hey Rina, wanna hang out at the mall sometime?

Rina: yeah that'd be great, oh i'll give you my number.

Rina took Mami's hand and wrote her number on it.

Mami: It tickles haha

Rina: haha sorry i dont have paper, you can call me anytime.

Mami: Okay i'll call you later.


Haru: stop joking around Tomo, their just gonna go hang out.

Tomo: ohhh i shee shomeone ish jealoush huh? haru-chuaaaaaan HAHA!!

Haru hit Tomo's head and they all laughed because of it. When they were parting ways Haru had a slight dissapointed kind of face. she looked over to Rina and she seemed excited about spending some time with Mami, haru looked the other way and thought to herself.

Haru: Why am I feeling weird all of a sudden? I can't possibly be jealous of Rina spending time with Mami some time and- wait hold up haru, don't be bothered by this it's none of your bussiness. Your just gonna go home and Sleep like a bear today.

She thought that she just needed some rest and not stress, Haru shooked her head and continued to go to her house and just sleep. 

 Rina arrived at her house and instantly took a shower. She walked out of her bathroom only with a towel and dried herself then she wore her pajamas, she sat on her bed and read a book when suddenly her phone was vibrating it's a non familiar number but she answered it.

Rina: Hello who's this?

????: Oh Rina-chan, it's Mami hehe.

Rina: Oh Mami hey, i forgot that you were gonna call me! i thought the number belonged to a killer.

Mami: well im not a killer haha, did I call at a wrong time?

Rina: No you didn't I already told you that you can call me anytime.

Mami: haha sorry, oh about the hanging out at the mall thing. When do you wanna go?

Rina: Oh it's up to you i guess, im not busy this time around.

Mami: Oh then how about tomorrow? Will that be okay?

Rina: that'd be great!

Mami: haha Alright then, i'll see you tomorrow at 2pm

Rina: Okay! thats perfect!

Mami: Okay, well I gotta go bath now bye.

Rina: Okay by- wait you haven't bathed yet?

Mami: thats because i just got home and the first thing I did was call you.

Rina: Oh yeah haha sorry for asking okay you can go bath now, bye

Mami: yes alright bye.

They both hanged up. Rina was feeling a rush of sudden excitement through her body and hugged her pillow and rolled around her bed and even wanted to scream out happiness, but then she sat up straight and was suprised of her actions she said to herself.

Rina: No Rina, you are a lady and ladies don't wanna scream and roll around their bed as if their gonna meet a rockstar tomorrow....or maybe i am meeting a rockstar....Nah but i bet tomorrow will be really Fun YAY!!!!!

Rina went back to rolling on the bed with her pillow.

Rina: What the Fck? Gah who cares -Rolls on bed-

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