A Surprise at 221b

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Sherlock and I went to get fish and chips for lunch, actually, I got fish and chips for lunch. Sherlock didn't eat, he just babbled on about his new theories and experiments while I subconsciously said something along the lines of "brilliant" or "Amazing" each time. I know he didn't mind though, he got a devilish smile every single time I complimented his intelligence. I thought the day couldn't get any more perfect.

"That was great!" I exclaimed as we wondered out of the restaurant.

Sherlock didn't respond. He was walking a bit a head of me , but I was positive he would have been able to hear me. He was silent the rest of the walk home. I was I little bit offended, we had such a good time. Had I been too obvious while starring at his thick, curly, dark as night perfect hair? Or was it the sweat on my brow when I started to think about my feelings for him? What ever it was, I'm pretty sure I screwed up.

We entered 221b backer street and had a run in with Ms.Hudson.

"John, Sherlock, where have you boys been all day? It was awfully quiet around here today."

"Hello Ms. Hudson." Sherlock said shooting awkward smile as he walked upstairs.

"We were in the ER this morning and then..."

"Oh my, what happend! Are you two all right?" Ms.Hudson said cutting me off.

"Yes, we're fine." I laughed. "Sherlock just broke a cup of tea and burned himself."

"Okay, well if you need anything I'm just downstairs. "

We said our goodbyes and I went upstairs to get a cuppa, there was a new episode of Doctor Who on in an hour so I planned to watch it. I looked around for sherlock to offer him a tea but he was no where in site. I turned around to check his room but to my surprise, he was standing behind me.

"Sher..." I could barely get a word out because just then, he grabbed my waist, pulled me close and he gently placed his perfect lips against mine.

I stood there trying to get one word out, just one, but I couldn't bring myself to because of how shocked I was. 'Okay, first he pretends I'm not there, then he kisses me?'

"John, I know you fancy me ." He stated, leaving his hands on my waist. "dilated pupils and racing pulse have been quite noticeable the past few weeks."

I looked at him with lust in my eye. Sherlock Holmes had kissed me, that ment he has to like me back.

"What about you?" I asked "Do you fancy.."

I was cut of by another kiss, this time it was deeper and more passionate. My lips tingled as our lips moved with eachother in perfect harmony. I decided to take the kiss as a "yes" to my question. I wrapped my arms around Sherlocks long neck and twirled his curly, raven hair in my fingers. He tryed to slide his tounge into my my mouth, but my tounge fought for dominance and won. I sat up on the counter and sherlock placed his hand on the top of my thigh, he jumped a little at the surpise waiting for him.

Our lips still dancing, we slipped into his bedroom. The snogging session was getting intense with each kiss getting deeper and sweeter to the taste. We layed on the bed, my body toppling over his. I pulled away from the kiss and unbuttoned  Sherlock's purple shirt, reveling the most amazing body I have ever seen. I bit my bottem lip and saw his gorgeous green-blue eyes peering up at me. I finally had Sherlock at my commnd, I could show him what I have always wanted to do. I pulled off my trousers, unveiling the red pants that sherlock had familiarized himself with this morning. I went down to his neck, sucking on the sweet taste of Sherlock Holmes.

"John..." he groaned

I pulled off his trousers with a quick motion reveling his pants with a small image of a cartoon bumblebee and yellow trim. I laughed at the sight, surprised about sherlocks choice of pants. I started to suck his neck again, my lip quivering. I took the tip of my tounge and it smoothly made its way down Sherlocks body, feeling each and every dancing bump and curve. When I made my way down, just before the edge of his pants, he pushed me away.

"Just stop. Just stop it!" he screamed, jumping up.

He shoved me, causing me to fall to the floor.

"What the hell Sherlock!"

"This isn't right...its just not right!" He cried out.

"But... Sherlock." I croaked

"Get out!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, sitting on the edge of his bed away from me.

The door quickly swong open.

" What are you boys bickering about..." Her words faded.

I was on the floor in my pants and jumper, while Sherlock was in nothing but his pants and button down shirt hanging loosely on his body. Ms. Hudson eyes widened, an eyebrow raised, she let out a small chuckle and closed the door.

"Shit..." I muttered.

"It Ms. Hudson, I doubt she cares and she seemed to find this extremely funny."

I stood up turning to Sherlock and waited for him to say somthing relevant.

"It's rude to stare." He said bluntly.

I scoffed at him and barged out leaving my trousers behind. 'He can keep them.' I thought to myself. Our land lady was in the living room tidying up and whistling to herself. I thought she would turn to look at me, but luckly she just minded her own business. I raced up to my room to pack, I was planning on staying with Harry for a bit. I hoped she wouldn't mind. I didn't take much time to think about what I needed, shoving everything I could into my suitcase was my main goal.

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