The After Math

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"Sherlock, how about I make you a tea." I heard Ms. Hudson say from our flat as I limped down the stairs with my cane and bags. My leg started to act up when Sherlock shoved me to the ground, I'd probably twisted it. The floor creaked as I wondered in to grab my wallet from the kitchen, causing me to catch Ms. Hudson’s attention. She left Sherlock in his usual spot on the sofa and approached me. 

"John, I can only assume what happened. Sherlock won't say a word, do you care to..." 

"I don't want to talk about it." I said cutting her off. "I'm sorry..."

"It's fine dear, why don't you sit down? I'll make you a tea as well." She offered. 

"I'm actually heading to Harry's right now, thanks anyway." I noticed Sherlock sit up and turn to me from the corner of my eye.

Ms. Hudson gestured at a box of biscuits and I couldn't help myself but take one, they looked delicious. They tasted delicious. Once I'd said my goodbyes to Ms. Hudson, I rang Harry out front. I told her I needed a place to stay for a bit and she didn't question it, which was good, I didn't feel like talking about what had happened with Sherlock.

"Yeah of course John, I'll be there in about 20." The line then went dead. 

While I waited for her I sat on the edge of the curb in front of the flat. My body shook as the frosty air blew against my skin so I reached into my bag for my jacket. I was really hurt by what Sherlock had done; I felt as if this might be an experiment he had created. What for? I had no idea. All I knew was that my heart was broken and I was alone. Sherlock was one of my only friends and I thought I'd lost him forever. A tear ran down the side of my face as I felt the pain and rage build up inside of me. It eagerly made its way up my throat, banging at my brain causing me to let out a loud "Shit!" People passing by looked down at me, but I couldn't have cared less. A black Benz pulled up to me and A unfamiliar women stepped out.

"Dr. Watson? Please come with me." The women said with a stern face.

"Is this Mycroft? What does he want with me this time?"

She opened the door for me and not another word was spoken. She threw my bags into the flat before we left. I decided to get in considering it may have been of importance. When we got to the strange building I have never encountered before, I choked on the horrific smell flooding the air. I waited about 5 minutes before Mycroft came around the corner. 

"John Watson," he said with a sinister grin. "Congratulations to you and my dear brother. Shame about Sherlocks reaction though."

"Excuse me, how would you even...”

"I have my people."

"Okay, well?" I asked as Mycroft stood there grinning.

"I just wanted to say, don't get wrapped up in Sherlock like that." His face went stern. “He had never received affection from someone..."

"What about Molly?" I questioned. 

"Sherlock knows she could never handle him and let me finish. He had never received affection from someone whom he actually cared about as well. "

"So he does care about me?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"Give him time John, let him figure it out."

"Is there a catch or something? You two hate each other."

Mycroft rolled his eyes and let out a sigh.

"Hate is a bit strong, don't you think?" 

I had a million questions for Mycroft, but half of them he probably wouldn't say and the other half I would have trouble understanding. 

"Oh shit!" I gasped. "Harrys probably at the flat by now."

"Don't worry John. “He then proceeded to slowly walk away.

His driver took me back to the flat and I grabbed my bags making sure Sherlock couldn't hear me come in downstairs. When I walked outside, Harry pulled up in her car.

"Were you waiting long? I got stopped by a police man and he insisted to go through my car." She sighed and gestured her hand towards the car. "You ready to go?"

I guessed it had of been Mycroft or maybe it was just pure luck.


So that was something that I wrote a while ago, but nerves got the best of me so I avoided posting. I don't know if the mycroft thing is important, but this was mainly a filler chapter. Sorry, hopefully I write something better next time. ~AC

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