Phone calls - Darkiplier X reader

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You awoke in a cold sweat. Breathing heavily your eyes darted around the room checking for anyone within the darkness of your living room. Nothing. Just the sounds of advertisements on the TV. That's the last time you fall asleep watching a horror movie. What a weird dream it gave you. Running. Just running.

You stood up and turned the TV off leaving you in complete darkness but at least it was quieter now. You stumbled around looking for your phone which had fallen off the coffee table. Eventually you found it and turned it on checking the time. 11:05. Letting a small yawn escape you made your way to the kitchen, being sure to turn the light on as you enter. Your stomach rumbled and you perused your food options. Nothing really took your fancy until you saw a box of your favorite cereal. After pouring a bowl you sat at your table and began eating. While you checking the time earlier you noticed you had a text message, now seemed like a good time to read it. Turns out it was from you friend (Friends name)

F: Hey you ok?
Y: Yeah why?
F: Because I just got a bunch
of creepy texts from you.
Y: Really? I didn't send
F: You sure?
Y: Defiantly. What did the
texts say?
F: Weird things like help me
and make it stop.
Y: That's so strange...
F: That's what I thought.
F: Ok your really freaking me
out now.
Y: What?
F: You just did it again!
Y: No I didn't!
F: Yes you did!
F: See!
They then sent you a screen shot of your texts. It was true you had just sent help me in all caps at least five times. This freaked you out after all you defiantly didn't send them.

F: (Name) are you sure your
F: Please stop (Name)
F: (Name) stop!
F: Your scaring me!

Truth was it was scaring you too. What was happening? Suddenly a loud sound erupted throughout the house. It was the sound of static and it was coming from the living room.

The tv was set up so that when you sit watching it your back is facing kitchen. The room was still dark with the exception of the static on the TV creating a silhouette of a man sat watching the TV. Only problem lived alone. Quickly you turned on the light and within the blink of an eye the man was gone. Were you seeing things? Were you actually going mad?

After turning off everything you decided that the best thing for you was to go to bed. Making your way back to your room you got changed and crawled into bed. Soon enough you feel into a deep sleep.
The floor was cold. Wait why were you sleeping on the floor? Slowly you opened your eyes and confirmed the fact that you were indeed asleep on the floor. Your head hurt. What was going on? Rubbing your head you slowly sat up and examined your surroundings, nothing but darkness. The faint sound of a phone ringing in the distance. Standing up you began walking towards it. With every step you took the sound became louder it didn't seem to matter which direction you walked it was always right. Eventually you saw it. A phone, your phone, on the floor displaying an unknown number. "Hello," you said answering it.

"We don't have much time I need you to be quiet and just listen," the voice on the other end spoke. Something about it seemed familiar.

"Who is this?" You asked immediately ignoring the 'just listen part'

The guy on the other end sighed. "I'm Mark but that doesn't matter right now chances are he's already listening."

"Who's he?"

"Just shut up for a second! I'm trying to save you!" He shouted down the phone at you. Save you? What was he talking about? "The place your in right now is called raspy hill it's his domain. I'm going to try my best to get you out of there but it's not going to be easy his hold on you is strong it's even drifting into reality. If this keeps up he might be able to use you to escape and we can't let that happen. To get you out safely we just have to-"


"Hello? Are you there? Mark?! Hello?!" Tears began to form in your eyes but they quickly froze when a familiar voice echoed through the speaker.

It was Marks voice but it held a darker more sinister tone. "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt but I couldn't allow him to continue talking for that could ruin my plan," he spoke. Your blood ran cold just listening and your body began to shake."You know I've been feeling rather lonely but now your hear and I'll make you feel right at home."

Gathering all your strength without thinking you blurted out, "I'm not scared of you!"

The man on the other end began to laugh. "What is fear? What does it mean to be scared. To be perfectly honest I don't really care about that answer myself. Because somethings standing behind you that you didn't notice before and your too afraid to turn around now because what if it actually is there? You see the argument for what something is and why something is or is not scary is not important. Because in the end you'll find that there is much worse things waiting for you."

"(Name)! Run!" Marks voice suddenly cut in but it was too late something grabbed you from behind. One wrapped around you chest while the other hand wrapped around your mouth so that you wouldn't scream.

Trying you best to get free but to no avail, his grip was strong. You decided that the only way to get free would be to get violent. With all your might you kicked him directly in the chin causing him to scream in pain and released you. Taking this opportunity you ran as fast as you can. "Sweet (Name) Don't you know there's no escape," his voice echoed.
Your eyes snapped open and you shot up. What was that all about? Taking deep breaths you tried to calm your rapidly beating hear, convincing yourself that it was just a dream. But it felt so real. Who was that guy and who was Mark.

With shaking hands you reached for your phone to check the time but then it dawned on you. You left your phone downstairs. What was it doing here next to you bed? You froze recalling the events that happened the night before. Fear over came you and you were unable to move, you just sat there staring at your phone that was until it began to buzz, snapping you out of your trance like sate. The number on the caller ID was the exact same one from the dream. Cautiously you answered it. "Hello?"

"Listen this might be the only chance we get to talk."

To be continued?

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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