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H I !

Thank you guys for your support and worries, it literally gave me energy to write now 😊

So thank you for the awesome votes, hillarious aww-worthy comments and reads!

I love you!

I'm dedicating this chapter to @everyone



"So..." I stated awkwardly, sipping on my cup of tea.

"So..." Mom nodded.

Right now, me and Adam are in my parents' hotel room -aka our hotel room since our house got exploded weeks ago- having dinner.

Mom invited Adam over which made me frustrated and my dad sulk in anger.

"How are you doing, Adam?" Mom asked, "After the blow my husband gave you, I'm quite shock that you can still talk."

He chuckled, "I'm not that weak, Mrs. Sanders. I must say, you look gorgeous today." He winked at me, "Like mother like daughter."


"Oh shush." Mom laughed, obviously flattered. "Call me Isla," Then she jabbed her thumb towards dad's direction. "And you can call him Harold."

"No, you're still calling me Mr. Sanders." Dad frowned before continuing sulking.

"Don't mind him." Mom chuckled nervously, tapping dad's chest lightly. "So, you are probably wondering why I called you, yes?"

Adam nodded.

"You see, since you're Em's fiancé-"

"Mom!" I groaned, cutting her off. "He's not my fiancé!"

"Yet." Adam winked.

"You better close both eyes young man, or I'll shut them close for you." Dad growled out.

Noticing how deadly my dad looked and sounded, Adam blinked his eyes but still smirks at me.

"So, as I was saying before my lovely daughter-"

"Only daughter." I coughed.

"-disrupted me." Ignoring my earlier statements, she continued, "Since you are Emily's friend-for-now, you must know what's happening in this corporation 24/7."

I swear, mom's quite crazy.

"Mom." I pursed my lips, "What if he's just using me?" I faced him, "No offense."

"He's not." Dad grunted, "He's father's right man, he already knows everything. Probably knows something I don't."

"And it's not a bad thing." Mom grinned at him, "Harold's been whining about retiring his whole life!" She laughed.

Nah, she is crazy.

"He's actually planning to have a celebration after your wedding! Which by the way, is already handled by me and my secretary." She winked.

Mama-loco said what now?

To be honest, I was expecting to hear a groan from Adam, or at least show that he doesn't agree with these, but when he smiled and took his phone, I have my doubts.

"Talking about that, Chloe and Fey's interested in helping too. Here's Fey's number."

They're all crazy.

"Oooh, got it!" She grinned, "Wait, she's the 18 years old bubbly girl with bubble gum hair; Shay's daughter, right?"

"Yes," I nodded, "But she's actually 27."

The Bad Boy Inside The Black Suit ✔ [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now