Chapter 6: detention forms to a prison cell

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As second period flew by like a draft of wild, free wind the time came closer and closer to what I didn't want it to, a time of regret, boredom, and worst of all I didn't know who would be there with me, for all I knew my arch nemesis could be there. Brooke. Argh! how i hated hearing her talk on and on about how she has everything I don't have, exempla, a boyfriend, a rich family, popularity– even though I did have that too in my own way, she had popularity in a way where she makes people fear her I have to in a way that I'm friends with almost everyone in my grade, lower grades, and upper grades. I didn't want to go to detention, that was what this whole popularity theme came from somehow but the main idea was I don't want to go.
"Lora!" I heard a high-pitched voice softly squeak at me, turning my head in a flicker of whipping hair and pale skin to find that it was only Mackenzie.
"How do you do that!" I said in a statement rather than a question knowing that she wouldn't have answered it if I questioned it– her logic.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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