Chapter 1 Calm Before The Storm (alex)

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Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock
"The sound of that clock is going to drive me insane" I mumble to myself with a sigh. "Hey, dude, can you turn that clock off?" I called out to the kitchen, where I supposed Carter was, I was proven to be right as I heard carter call out from the kitchen "yea, sure" and the clock suddenly stopped ticking.
This guy, he's, strange to say the least, he almost never talks and moves around so silently that even I can't hear him, I suspect he's done something to make himself silent but I can't be sure. I think that he also has magical ties to his house, because he can make anything turn on or off whenever he pleases, and sometimes I think his house changes arrangement, my reason being every time I come over something has changed, something s simple as the couch moving or new wall being somewhere. Then theirs his sister, Claire, she's, crazy, not in a insane sense, she just acts funny, Claire and I are good friends, since grade school, actually. The only downsides to her are that she hates Talia, and... The shipping...
"Hey, loverboy!"
Speak of the devil,
Claire hopped over the back of the couch plopped into a sitting position.
So... How'd your date go?
I could feel my face heating up and I pulled my blanket up to cover my cheeks.
"Did ya kiss?"
I could feel my face get hotter
"STAHP" I shout out and Claire jumps as I don't normally shout.
She laughed and leaned into me "did you?" I pulled the blankets up to cover my face and my face heated up more "omg, you did, didn't you?" She did her little fangirl scream and punched me in the arm "OMG TALEX LIVES ON" suddenly my blanket was pulled down and she took a selfie with me as red as a tomato, of course. "Delete that!" I cry "nope! I'm gonna post it!" She hopped off the couch and started to back away "yo! Stop!" I shouted as I hopped off the couch and tried to get the phone from her "posted it!" She yelled and did a little dance while laughing. Suddenly I heard a strange sound from the ceiling and I looked up to see Nyx just chilling out of the ceiling looking at his phone. "You were up their the whole time?!" I asked "yup, and.. I ship it" He said.
I can't catch a break today, can I?!
I walk into a weird little closet Carter has and grab a broom and walk back over to where Nyx is "ok, time to get down" I begin to try to poke him, emphasis on"try" as each time I tried to poke him he knocked the broom away. Then the door opened and I looked to see Talia come in, her hair and scarf blowing in the wind from outside. She took a few steps inside and closed the door. She looked around and surveyed the room, then she saw me and she smiled and said "heyo!" Then I walked over and we hugged briefly and she took off her heavy jacket and was wearing a light Nike hoodie. "Ok, what are we doing?" She asked me "movies, I think" I turned around to see Claire freaking out "what's her problem?" Talia asked "she's freaking out about shipping us" I say with a sigh
"How about we watch the movie now?" Nyx said, still on the ceiling. "Yea, sure" I said as I began to move towards the couch "what are we watching?" Talia asked me "whatever we find, I guess" I respond and sit down on the couch. Claire finally stopped freaking out and went to sit on a recliner with a big fluffy blanket. "I'm just going to go get blankets" I say as I walk off to the linen closet to grab a few blankets. When I come back I see Claire bugging Talia about.... The date.
Talia was a red as a tomato and trying to hide her face in her scarf. I quietly put the blankets down and snuck behind Claire's recliner, I grabbed the back of the chair and Claire began to look up as I flipped it back a bit, scaring her. Claire screamed and Talia and I started laughing uncontrollably, "ok, I think that's enough, don't you, Claire?" She mumbled something and snuggled deeper into the blanket with some kind of rabbit "what is that?" I asked her "this little guy?" She held the rabbit up "this is Chester, my shadow rabbit!" She said "did Carter get it for you?" I asked "nah, this little kid gave it to me!" She responded "ah, cool." I got the blankets and grabbed the TV remote and started flipping through Netflix seeing what their was to watch, I found the movie Inside Out "how about we watch this? It's susposed to be good" I said "what? That movies for kids!" Claire called out from the recliner "yea, the movie is susposed to be good, let's watch it" Talia said from sitting beside me "ok, let's watch this thing then, shall we?" I say. We're about 20 minutes into the movie and we just saw Bingbong that weird cotton candy elephant thing, soon after we saw Bingbong Carter walked behind the couch, silently, of course, and then walked out the door into the cold night.
Something's Wrong

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