Chapter 3 Awakening (Talia)

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Alex just got knocked out,
Claire is dead,
I'm next.
The creature is raising its scyth above me and is about to bring it down but is impaled from behind. It lets out a scream and disintegrates.
"Damn, Talia, get Claire inside,"
I looked at Claire's body to find it uninjured, and she looked to be sleeping instead of being dead.
I picked her up and we all headed inside Carters house. When we got inside Carter snapped his fingers and a translucent Claire appeared in the middle of the room. I let out a small Yelp and Nyx dropped Alex on the couch and stretched his back.
"WHAT WAS THAT??" I say, finally snapping out of my shock.
"That was... Uh, a old friend"
Carter said slowly " what?! A old friend?! What are you talking about dude?!" I shout Nyx flinched and said "please don't shout" I nod my head and wait to hear what Carter has to say.
He takes a deep breath and says
"He was my old trainer, the one who took me away, I got away, and I believe he wants me back."
"Oh, ok... WAIT WHAT?!" I shout again, I see Nyx flinch and say "oh, sorry.." "You heard me, now, take care of Claire, this is only a shell of her real soul I'm going to go get her life force, and you can't come or you will get your soul stolen, capiche?" Carter says as he opens a portal "Wait-" I begin to say but he hops through it. Before it closes I use my magic to get a reading, so I can replicate it later.
So.... Now what?
"We should probably follow him.." Claire says from the middle of the room "no really? Thanks for your input" I respond "glad I could help, Booger"
I can feel my face grow hot as Claire laughs "is this really the time to be fooling around?" Nyx asks disapprovingly "it's the perfect time to fool around!" Claire responds with a giggle "whatever you say.." Nyx says back "oh! I got a idea!" Claire floats over to me and disappears, suddenly I lose control of my body and I hear Claire's voice "how about we play sleeping beauty? Alex is sleeping beauty and your Prince Charming!" "NONONONOONO" I cry as she begins to make me walk over to Alex "PLEASE STAHP" I beg "NEVER!!" She shouts, Nyx steps in the way and  blue light eminates from his hand and Claire goes back to the middle of the room "your welcome" he says "thanks.." I mutter as I hear Alex moan from the couch and sit up. "Morning sunshine!" Claire yells and pushes me onto him,
We remain in a akward position for a moment and we quickly scurry away from each other, I can feel my face heating up as Claire laughs like the joker behind us. Alex turns his attention to her and his eyes go wide "wha....?" "IM A GHOST!" Claire shouts and his ears pin back from the sudden increase from volume. "I thought you died.." He muttered in astonishment "nope! I'm a ghostie now!" She says with a giggle. "You don't seem too bothered by it..."                Apparently Not...
"Nope! It's a improvement if anything!"
"Yea, now your not corporeal so your not as annoying" Claire shot me a annoyed look and Aciel appeared and wrapped around me "I can't, but he can" she said in a voice with something like a tremolo effect added to it. Suddnely the bones of Aciel lit up in golden fire and disintegrated, I looked over to see Alex with a golden glow emiting from his eyes. "Well, I think that's enough fun for tonight, where's Carter?" Alex asks us "he hopped through a portal, I copied it, so we should be able to follow him. "Great, we should probably get a move on then" Nyx says to nobody in paticular. Alex hops off the couch and says "welp, we better get ready to go, let's get ready." We go off and gather out stuff for our journey, 15 minutes later I come out of my room to see all the others sitting around waiting for me. "What took you?" Claire asks me mockingly. "I was grabbing all my stuff" I respond. "Now, stand back, I'm not sure how well this portal will go..."
It's gonna end horribly...
I raise my hands and draw on my magic.
I expel my magic and the portal opens up on the floor in a bright flash.
That went surpringly well...
I can feel the exhaustion weighing on me after making the portal.
"Good job!" Alex says "thanks.." I say tiredly. Nyx approaches the portal and his hand glows blue again. "I scanned it, where the portal leads to a city, I'm not sure of the name." "Is it safe?" Alex asks him "it appears to be." We approach the portal and I say "well, let's get going then..." "last one in is a rotten egg!!" Claire hops into the portal and disappears. "You two go first, I'll close the portal" Nyx says to us "sure.." Alex responds, he grabs my hand and we jump into the portal.

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