Chapter 6 Black Market Nyx

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We wade through the water for a good 15 minutes until we find a trace of "civilization." I'm the first to find the faint light emanating from behind a corner. "Ok, we're here, just, follow me and don't do anything stupid" I say to the group as we round the corner to the black market. Upon turning the corner almost everybody turned and looked at us. I continue until  I'm on the platform of the black market, dripping with water. A quick survey of the room  showed multiple stands with people standing behind them selling their goods. I flicked my hand and used my magic to dry us off.
The majority of the people were still looking at us, casting wary glances, I assume because we appear as newcomers. I turn back to the group and say "just follow what I do and we should be fine, capiche?" They all echo back in agreement and I begin to walk around the black market, looking specifically for a Caster, which is someone who enchants weapons and also sells illegal magical weaponry on top of that. "Shouldn't you be with a colony, bug boy?" One of the men at a booth says "perhaps you should watch your mouth, friend" I respond back without looking. Out of the corner of my eye I see his face contort into a look of hatred and he says "what was that?" I stop walking and turn to face him "I said, watch your mouth." I respond,          I could practicaly see steam coming out of this guys ears as he straightened up and balled his fists. "I don't think you should do that" I say as he moves towards me and takes a swing. I grab his arm, kick his legs out from underneath him and use my freehand to push on his chest to escalate his falling speed. He hits the ground with a thud and  the air gets knocked out of his lungs. He lays there for a second and gets up taking deep breaths "I'm not your average locust, so, I suggest you sit back down and continue with whatever buisness you were attending to" he gets his breath back and charges me again, this time I use his weight against him and turn his tackle into a faceplant by jumping out of his way and pushing on his back.
He, as expected, face planted and didn't get back up. Now that little fiasco earned the looks of everybody in the room, including my friends. "What was that?!" Alex and Talia ask in unison "awwww, the couple speak together! Cute!" I saw Talias face redden a bit and she shot Claire the finger. Claire made a noise like a fake gasp and said "oh, How rude!"
"Ok, so, who or what are we looking for?" Alex asks me "we're looking for a "Caster" they enchant weapons and sell magic weaponry, too." I respond and begin to move throughout the room looking for a Caster. Eventually my eyes graze over the Casters booth and turn back to it. "Ok, I found the Caster, let's get over there" I say and begin to move towards the booth, the Caster looks up with a poker face. "Hello" I say to the man "hello, whaddaya want?" The man says "well," I pull the basilisk stone out from my pocket "I was hoping to sell this to you, they're good for enchanting, I hear" he looks me over and study's the gem "can I check it out, to see if it's authentic?" I pass him the gem and he pulls up a oculus, a clear gem that is used as a  magnifying glass. He checked it over and deemed it authentic and handed the gem back "I'll give ya' 800 for it, how's about it?" He says "900" I respond, he looks me over and says "850, no higher" "900" I repeat again "I could just not buy it, 850 or nothing"
I sigh and hand him the stone. He hands over a pouch of coins "it's full of 20's and 10's so you can actually use em'" thanks, it was a pleasure doing buisness with you." Suddenly Claire popped forward to the counter and asked if the guy had anything for ghosts "yes, I do, he produced a case of translucent knives "Claire phased her hand through the case and grabbed one  "this looks cool!" Suddenly a gold coin materialized on the desk. He looked Claire over, then the coin and pocketed it without a word. "Ok, we should probably go now" Talia said "yea, that sounds like a good idea "Alex agrees "well, let's get a move on, shall we?" I say "actually, do you guys need anything?" I ask the group "a weapon would be nice.." Alex says "ok, that could be arranged, what do you want?" I ask him "umm," he thought about it for a moment and said "a crossbow would be nice, and some kind of dagger" I look around the room until I spot a weapons vendor "this way" I say to everybody. As we approach the booth the man looks up "whaddaya want?" He says
What's with these guys and greeting us with "whaddaya want"? "a cross bow and a dagger, please" Alex asks. The man eyes  us up and he gets up, he turns around and opens a door leading to a store room "in here, find the stuff and fork over the money" Alex heads into the room and looks around for a moment before finding what he ms looking for. He walksout with a crossbow and a dagger with a gem in the hilt that flashed as the light catches it. "Ok, that'll be 250 bucks, pay up" Alex's eyes widen for a moment "250 dollars?" "You heard me, fork it over, kid" Alex begrudgingly reaches into his pack and pulls  out several gold and silver coins "here you go" Alex sticks out his hand and the man does the same. He drops the coins into the mans palm and says "good day" and he begins to move away from the stand. "Let's get going, guys" I say and we walk off into the darkness of the sewers. After about several minutes of walking a bright flash of purple lights up the tunnels  and Talia shouts "I got a signal!" And raises her hand, projecting the image of a castle "I got a signal from Carter! The portal tracked him, he's at the Kings palace!" She says ecstatically "Cmon! We gotta get moving! I know the way!" I shout and run through the north tunnel leading to the Kings castle.
We're coming for you, Carter, don't do anything stupid..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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