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I spent every waking moment I could in the vault, searching, researching and reading. When Demetrius had free time he taught me about magic. The only place I could train was in the vault and that was very difficult to do since I wasn't in control of my magic most of the time when he was teaching me the proper way of using it. Lyle was there every time I trained, he was the one who contained my magic so it wouldn't destroy anything. 

"Again." Demetrius said. The thing floating in my hand was supposed to be  magic in a solid, I-can-see it form. It wasn't happening. This was my tenth attempt and so far every form hasn't been solid and or it dissipates. I was getting frustrated. I was doing exactly as he was telling me but nothing was working! I watch as it loses it's form and disappear.

"Argghhhh! What the fuck.."

"Again."He said.

"I want a break."

"Do it again Raven. Taking a break won't change anything right now." He replied, being a hard ass. I glare at him.

"Lyle take over. I have to go. And he is not to stop until he has at least one successful attempt."Demetrius says before leaving. I slump in my chair completely defeated and wanting to give up... for now at least. I'll show fricking Demetrius that I can totally do it.

Lyle pulls a chair forward and sits in front of me. "Hands."He says, holding his own out to me. He never really speaks, but when he does it's in short, blunt, quick to the point sentences. I place my hands in his and he holds them and closes his eyes. "Demetrius is horrible at teaching, probably why he never accepts an assistant."He says, cracking a joke. I laugh, my spirits rising at his attempt at making a joke. He smirks.

"Close your eyes.... Look deep within yourself.... Find your magic, familiarize with it..." He says and trails off to a stop. His words repeat themselves in my head when I close my eyes. I could feel it, my magic, the ball of energy in the center of me, expanding to reach the rest of my body and envelope it with its essence.  I opened my eyes and saw the manifestation of my magic floating before my eyes.

"...A  beautiful deep purple swirled with a golden yellow and a dark black. Your magic is my favorite to look at Raven."Edward's words came to mind. And now I knew exactly what he saw. The orb was as big as my head, you couldn't see through it at all. I was mesmerized. The purple was deep and dark, smooth and velvety looking, the golden yellow came in the form of wavy lines that moved like snakes, weaving in and out and through the purple, disappearing and reappearing; constantly, slowly.

 Lyle looked completely mesmerized too. He dipped a finger into it, hooking his finger and pulling. The orb gave way and clung to him, allowing him to manipulate it. It lost it's sphere shape and became a floating mass as he threaded his fingers through it. "Nicely done... It doesn't lose form even when I manipulate it.. good job." He says leaving it alone. He pats my head, and instead of feeling annoyed like when Demetrius does it, it was comforting and nice.

Smiling at my success, I inch my hand closer to my magic. As soon as I touch it, blackness starts seeping in, messing up the nice rhythm the colors had going, forcing its way in and mingle. The darkness was quickly apart of the colors and in sync. Lyle's face was one of confusion.

"Manipulate it."He simply said. I did what he did, threading my fingers in it, stretching it, making different shapes. It was easy to move around and it was soft yet thick like honey. A thrill of excitement ran down my spine and I did more complex things with it, adding more detail to the shapes. It was getting bigger and soon I had to stand because sitting was difficult. My mind was blank, my hands moving and my magic taking on a larger more detailed form. I was breathing hard from the excitement as my magic took on an even more solid form and shape.

A pair of hands yanked mine from the deep darkness that was now my magic. I took a shaky breathe and looked at what I had did. Before me stood a very life like magic shaped Edward. the longer I stare, the more life like it looked. It was creepy as hell. Lyle's expression looked dark and cold as he looked at it. I screamed when it the still magic form of Edward blinked at me.

"Raven?! Whats wrong? Where are you?!" It said looking around. "I can hear you but I can't see you. Raven why did you leave? Answer me! It's not safe!"It said with Edward's voice.

"Edward?..."I whisper from behind Lyle.

"Raven? I lost your presence again, somewhere close to Ronan. Please tell me where you are..."He begged. I shake my head even though he can't see me.

"Make it stop, Lyle. Please...." I say backing away from it. Lyle forcibly dismisses my magic with his hand. Edward loses form and slows falls apart like sand falling, calling my name.

Once I had finally calmed down I ask, " What did I just do?"

"Your magic took the form of another, calling their magic and making a connection, by taking on the form of that person. That was actually a person in the present, but in the form of magic."Lyle said.

"So...that really was him, in the here and now but from somewhere else?" He nods.

"Who was that?"He asks leaning towards me, staring intently.

"My brother."

"Why is he looking for you?"

"I left him behind."


"Why are you asking so many question?"I frown and look away.

"Because I want to know. What was the reason you left?"

"Because...Because I felt guilty!" I blurt.


"And it was all my fault. I should never have left my room, should never have taken my bandages off and opened the window. If I hadn't, then he wouldn't have had to sacrifice his life to help me, and take care of me for as long as he did...."

"You have a good brother and he is worried about you. You leaving only made him worry more right?" What he said was true. Even though he should be living his life instead, he's still looking for me.  I don't answer.

"If you want to contact him, let me know. I'll help you find him. Okay?" He says patting my head again. He puts my mask on my face, adjusts the scarf and dusts off my shoulders. "Come. Let's celebrate your successful attempt with desserts and brag to Demetrius, hmm?" I smile, the thought of doing that was really tempting.

"Yeah, I'll tell him how your a better teacher, haha."I say standing up. He laughs.

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