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Jack, the chief of Soriel, led us to a new tent while the mess he had made was being cleaned up.

"Sorry about the mess. Please relax and wash up. I'll bring over our other healer to take a look at you." He says grabbing my chin and turning side to side as he looked at my sickly face. I was too tired and sick to smack his hand away. He let go, bid his farewells and left. I kicked Demetrius out so I could bathe, even though he protested about wanting to help me.

Someone had already filled the bath halfway and left more buckets of hot and cold water on the floor nearby. I dipped a hand in and then dumped another hot bucket. Slowly, I step in and sink to the bottom. The heat relaxed my weak tense muscles and it felt great. I sunk in until only my nose was above the water, my breathing making he water ripple, looking down at my reflection which stared back at me. The soap was lavender and some kind of minty scent and it made a small layer of bubbles in the water.

My mind would not rest. I was a noble lady of castrin  , the harbinger of death was after me, the royal family was after me. Who isn't after me? And after spending all my time at the archives I'm still no where closer to figuring anything out. My only hope is those journals and Lyle. But he's not around. I don't know when I'll see him next. Am I gonna survive here? In Soriel? Should I try becoming friendly with the chief? I think I shouldn't try too hard. He already seems to be interested in me and he will probably learn of my secrets as Demetrius had.

But having a person as influential, and powerful as him on my side wouldn't be too bad. I should learn as much I can from him and from the people here since it seems like I won't be leaving any time soon. At least until my location is discovered by death and his followers and I'm off on the run again.

I sunk down even lower, submerging my head fully and keeping my eyes closed. The sounds from the outside were muffled and quieter. It was relaxing and comforting. It felt like nothing could bother me at that moment and the darkness was the only time at this moment that was comforting and it was strange.

Quickly blinking and taking deep breaths the next thing I know, I'm staring into a pair of deep blue eyes cradling my head above the water.

"Are you stupid or suicidal?!" She yelled at me, her accent I couldn't quite place. I stared at her with a blank stare as I took rhythmic breaths. This woman was madly strong even though she didn't look it. She lifted me entirely out of the tub, with a surprised squeak from me. She sat me down on the bed and quickly wrapped a big thick blanket around my naked body. She took a towel and started drying my face and hair, before moving onto the rest of me.

"Who are you?" I ask, assuming that she was the other healer that Jack had mentioned.

"I'm Anya, Jack's personal healer and caretaker." She said, making a point to be specific about her title. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Instead, I look her over. Long dark brunette hair, curly and braided back in a loose pony tailed braid. Tanned skin and deep blue eyes. She was taller than me and looked only a few years older. She dressed me quick and efficient before tossing me back into the bed. I had never been dressed like that before. It was a strange feeling. Had I not been what I am today, would I have experienced such a thing growing up?

She was fast paced and moved gracefully around the large room that was actually a very very large tent. She handed me a cup of hot something and told me to sip on it while she did other things. It was bittersweet but warm and my poor empty sick stomach felt so much better. I did not feel the revolting urge to throw up anymore. I slowly gulped it down. By the time I had finished she had already whipped up some kind of food and my stomach growled ravenously.

I was about to dig into what looked like a thick creamy stew, small chunks of meat and vegetables and crackers the smelled warmed my insides and made me shiver with glee at the thought of devouring it all. I could smell the pepper and meat and my mouth watered.

Jack walks in, clothes are changed, he too looked clean and refreshed, followed by Demetrius who cast worries glances my way.

He grabbed my face again, my mouth full of delicious stew. "Looky here. Already looking. Enter I see?" He says. I yank my face away.

"Oh yeah, better alright." Demetrius mumbled under his breath.

Jack pulled up a chair and sat down, staring at me as I ate. I stopped eating and swallowed my food and stared back. "Rude of you to stare while I eat." I comment.

"Rude of you not to offer some." He replied.

I looked at Anya, whose face looked distraught. "Another bowl please for this gentleman" I sarcastically ask her.

"Jack, I'll make you something else. If you would please just wait..." Anaya started. Acting like the stew I was eating wasn't good enough for big macho man over here.

"It's alright Anya. All your food taste wonderful. Gimme a bowl." He says. She reluctantly does and hands it to him. We spend a good ten minutes in silence, eating, With him still staring.

I grab what was left of my bun and chuck it at his head. He catches it in his mouth mid air like I had meant to throw it to him to eat. I scowl while he chuckles at me.

"Child's play." He laughs, munching on it.

"Stop being rude." Demetrius says to me. I grumble a whatever to him and pull the cover up some more.

"It's alright. I haven't had this much fun in years. No one is ever ballsy enough to act like she does." Jack laughs, reaching his hand over to ruffle my damp hair.

"Please refrain from touching her if possible." Lyle says striding in.

"Lyle!" I say, instantly happy to see him. He runs his fingers through my hair then checks my face.

"You look better. Demetrius made it sound like you were on deaths door." Lyle says.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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