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"Well for starters, you're not exactly 'dead' to some people anyways. A couple towns over, there are missing and wanted posters of you, with longer hair, all over the place."

"Wha-? Why?" I say surprised. "What does it say?"

" 'Noble lady gone missing', 'Castrin's lady gone missing'. They all say something similar to that. Raven, you are a noble lady of Castrin." Lyle says.

"Castrin...Is that where I'm from?" I ask.

"How do you not know where you are from?!" Demetrius says getting angry. I kick him from my seat.

"Cause asshole, I've been blind practically my whole life! Locked in a god damn tower by myself for god knows how long! How do you expect me to know anything when I've only been free for a few years?"I kick him again. He grabs his shin in pain.

"I'm sorry, please stop kicking me."He says scooting his chair away from kicking range.

I turn away from him and face Lyle. "Well not only is that a big problem because it'll reveal my gender around here, but I can't go out in public now because of the whole incident earlier. I've got his royal ass looking to capture me, a bunch of strangers looking for me, the fucking harbinger of death looking for me! I'm being pushed into a corner here Lyle, My mask is broken so it's not like I could pack up and leave before they find me."

"You are right, sooner or later this place won't be safe to stay in."Lyle says agreeing.

"Where am I to go? What am I to do?" I ask, wanting some kind of guidance or answer that I knew I wasn't gonna find sitting here.

My eyes blurred, I started blinking and rubbing at them. It got progressively worse the longer I sat there.

"What's wrong with your eyes?"Demetrius says removing my hands to look at them. I noticed black spots in my vision that start growing bigger and blocking my view.

"What the hell..?"Demetrius says, eyes wide. I stand up, misjudged my footing and stumble a bit. I couldn't see, it was all black.

"I can't see! I can't see!"I say, rubbing at my eyes some more.

"Your eyes... they are pitch black.."Demetrius says, holding my face still.

"Someone is coming."I say looking up. "Somebody was able to get permission to come in." I say.

"Shit..!"Lyle says. "Demetrius take her and pack her belongings. I'll stall for time, meet me at the Manor."Lyle says. I hear him walk away. Demetrius guided me back to my room. I sat there and listened to him hurriedly pack my things. I rummage through my satchel and pull out the familiar feeling that was the bandages. Quickly, I secure them around my eyes, it'll have to do for now. There's no way I wanted to meet the Harbinger of Death any time soon, or ever for that matter.

I pull my back pack on and grab Demetrius's hand. "Let's go."I say. He guides me, keeping a fast pace. I couldn't figure out where we were going, there were so many twists and turns.

"What's wrong?"I ask when we stopped suddenly.

"Shit, we have to take a different path, but it's on the other side which will require us to go through the main hall."

"I know a way to get through the main hall without getting spotted. Bring me to the dining room."

I put my hand on the wall and retrace my steps in my mind. Go straight down the hall, take a right, go up the stairs take a left, go straight 20 steps, stop, turn right, go down the stairs.

"The second floor Balcony that's over the main hall."Demetrius says recognizing the place.

"You know how to get there from here?"

"Yes."He says. I could hear many footsteps running below us, people shouting to one another as the commotion of what was probably his royal ass ness arriving. He probably said a weeks time to throw us off.

The loud creak of a heavy door, and then there was a light breeze on my face. "Stay close and quiet." Demetrius whispers. It was so disorienting to be plunged back into darkness. I had taken advantage of being able to see for too long and now I feel like a stranger to it.

It took some time adjusting to the darkness again. Demetrius had left me alone somewhere. It was quiet except for the occasional drip drip of water near me. It smelled damp and dirty, and I was gonna kill him if I got anything nasty on me from being here. A hand on my shoulder got a screech out of me, the hand moves to my mouth.

"Shut up raven! You're gonna blow our cover." Demetrius hisses. 

"Good lord! Demetrius! You scared the hell outta me." I say slapping hard  wherever on him, hoping it hurt.

"Geez why are you always hitting me ?!" He says.

"Cause you annoy me." I scowl. "Where'd you go?"

"I met up with some...friends. I got us passage to Soriel."he says.

Friends? More like undesirable smugglers. Soriel was way north of Ronan. Whereas Ronan was full of thieves and knowledge, Soriel was worse. It's run by a band of murdering mercenary assassins. They follow their own laws. And outsiders aren't allowed in without special permission. They burn and rob enemies, take slaves and valuables. They're ruthless cold blooded killers and no one dares challenge them. Not royalty, not the church and certainly not the archives.

"Are you fucking kidding me or did you actually want to die?? If we stay here, we're dead. We go to Soriel and we are even more dead! What made you think going there was a good idea you dumbass!" I'm kicking where his legs might have been, until I actually hit something.

"Ow! What the fuck raven! You are Barbarish for a girl." He says. I kick again.

"Ffffff-uck! Stop it! Someone owes me and Lyle a favor. And they are gonna protect us. They always fulfill their promises."

"Well let's sure hope we don't fucking die when your favor actually means shit to them."

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