The Vault

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I became anxious as the seconds turned into minutes and no sign of 'them' showing up yet. I stuck close to Demetrius.

"Do you know who is after you?" He whispers to me as we turn a corner and start heading down some stairs.

"Barely. I don't know who 'they' are but they appear when the darkness follows. All I know is that whenever I use, magic...they pinpoint my location. I can't ever stay in one place too long because sometimes I have to use my magic." I reply. He brings me down a long spiraling set of stairs, with locked access points every flight. He has me turn around every time we reach one. The further we went, the stronger the protection spells and enchantments got.

"So how exactly are you gonna be able to allow me access all the time down here, when special permission is required?"I asked.

"Well, it's not well known to the public, but each archive master has an assistant or two. The master is in charge of training, housing and taking care of their assistant. The assistants take a test every month, and every time they pass, they are one step closer in becoming candidates for the position of archive master. All assistants, with the company of their master or permission slip are allowed in the vault. My plan is to take you as my assistant. Of course, you don't have to aim for candidacy, but you would have to pass the tests in order to continue to have access to the Vault."

"Okay that sounds like a plan so far but what about the part where I'm not a boy, and I have to wear my mask if I'm not inside the vault?" 

"The mask is fine. Everyone has their own circumstances, and for some people it's none of their god damn business if you wear a mask or not. Your gender we are gonna have to keep it a well kept secret as you know. It shouldn't be too hard, keep your voice low, your mannerisms are fine since your such a grouch."He chuckled. I shove him a little with a scoff. "And we can use bandages to keep your chest under wraps, make it flat. Under no circumstances are you to undress around anyone but me and a chosen servant. And never are you to be alone with any man, you are sometimes too pretty to be a boy and some may want to confirm it for them selves." He said.

The thought of someone forcing me to reveal myself was terrifying. I already use bandages on my chest but for how long will it last before it becomes painful? I don't mean to overestimate myself, but I was sure that I could beat any of the archive's assistants's asses without much effort. They may be strong magic wise but there's no way those pansy ass book nerds could beat me hand to hand.

"You just thought that there's no way those pansy ass book nerds could beat me hand to hand, right?" He laughs.

"Hey! Stay out of my head!" I yell becoming defensive.

"I didn't! I swear. It's just the look you had on your face and the fact that it was also my first thought when I first started here. I was okay at magic but very good at fighting and I thought, there's no way those nerds could beat me, but I was sorrily wrong and got my ass handed to me."Demetrius said. I squint at him only half believing in what he said, not completely trusting him.

"Anyways, here we are."He said pushing open the last door. The heavy door squeaked in it's hinges as it opened. Now that we were deep within the vault, I felt safe enough to remove my mask, and I've never felt as safe as I did in there. And for the first time in a long time, I was able to walk around without the protection of my mask, all the while knowing that nobody would come after me. It felt really nice, and I couldn't help the tears that freely flowed from my eyes.

I notice Demetrius staring at my face. I cover it with my hands. "Stop staring. I know its disgusting and ugly."I pout. I feel his hands grab mine and pull them away. He looks at me, like really looks at me.

"Raven...when was the last time you took a look at yourself?"He said in a low voice. "I don't think you have, because it's not ugly or disgusting. You're Beautiful and who ever told you otherwise is an ignorant fool." He said. He didn't sound nor look like he was jesting or teasing me.

"Enough about me. Give me a tour." I said turning away to hide the blush my traitorous face made.

"Of course m'lady!" He teased.

"Shut up!" I laugh and followed him. The vault was not only huge but packed. Shelves upon shelves upon shelves filled with books of all kinds, on either side of me. I stopped and slowly turned, taking in the magnificent view in front of me. The Vault was as tall as the sky and had a hint of a dusty book smell. There were multiple levels of floors with mazes of bookshelves and little work stations that had piles of blank paper, quills and ink. There were large round metal contraptions with weird shaped objects drawn on them, there were all kinds of art hanging on the walls and the ceiling of the vault, plants hanging or potted decorated the rest of the dark place. Lanterns powered by magic kept the place lit. The floors were a dark marbled pattern with carved lines in bedded in front of the bookcases for the sliding ladders.

"This place is amazing..."I sigh. It was quiet, calm, and safe.

"Do you think you'll be fine here by yourself while I go and get you initiated as my assistant trainee?" He asked.

"Yeah yeah, I'll be fine."I say shooing him away so I can go exploring. He hands me a piece of paper before walking away laughing.

As soon as he's gone I grab onto the nearest ladder. It wouldn't budge an inch. What the hell? Then again this place was made based on the secrets of books, knowledge and magic. This was going to be interesting, I thought to myself as I used magic on the ladder as a power up. The ladder now moved when I pushed on it. Climbing on, I use my magic to direct my self around the book case. How fun! I move around the vault, reading all the signs and directions that told me where to go.

"Hey who are you?!" Asked a surprised voice that belonged to a skinny tall boy, whose arms were full of books. He looked like he couldn't hold onto them any longer.

"Here let me help you."I say running to him and relieving half of his heavy load.

"Oh...thanks."he says. He pauses and just stares at me.

"Could you not stare?"I ask becoming self conscious of my face but then remembering what Demetrius has said to me.

'I'm sorry! I didn't mean to stare... but for a guy, you have such pretty features."He says looking away embarrassed by what he had said to me.

"Oh um, I thought you were looking at my burn scars."I mumble.

"I noticed those, but they are hardly noticeable. In my opinion, your eyes are a very pretty purple and your face is pale and smooth unlike my puberty ridden face and skinny un proportional body." He says getting depressed. 

"That wont last long. My brother was similar to you. You should see him now!"I smile remembering what Edward looked like years ago.

"You speak highly of your brother."

"Yes, I miss him...Anyways what's your name? Are you also an assistant in training?" I ask.

"Yes, my name's Joseph. My master is Andres." He said with a bragging tone. I had no idea who Archive Master Andres was but his bragging pissed me off.

"That's nice. Mine just went to register me."I say. I smirk internally, knowing full well that Joseph's curiosity  would have him asking me about it.

"Which Archive Master are you under?"

"Archive Master Demetrius."I reply with a smug look when I see the surprised look on his face.

"Wow..he's never had an assistant before and he's one of the youngest influential masters here. Countless people have seeked his teachings."

"Talking about me?" Demetrius says coming out of no where.

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