Darkness Gathers

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It's been months now and I'm finally really getting the hand at magic. I told Demetrius what had happened long ago and now we are extra careful when training. Lyle doesn't pressure me into contacting my brother, but I know that he does want me to. I eat lunch with Demetrius and Lyle everyday. Some of the others had gained some courage and followed in my footsteps, eating with their masters. I see Joseph in the vault all the time, organizing and putting away books. I train with Lyle for magic, Demetrius teaches me all other kinds of things and gives me a shit of of work to do. Right now I'm struggling with the assignment he gave me.

"In that situation you'd use this herb."Joseph said, pointing to a dark pink flower in the book I had opened in front of me next to my assignment.

"But that one is poisonous."I point out.

"But if you mix it with blood moss then it cancels out the poison and becomes a sleeping agent."

"I see!"I say and quickly write it down. "Your so smart Joseph!" He slightly blushes. He takes a seat next to me.

"Wow, these assignments are tough."He says shifting through my papers.

"Not really, the only thing tough about them is finding the information all by myself. Demetrius teaches certain things then has me figure the rest out on my own." I sigh as I stretch.

"He is not an easy teacher then."He laughs.

"Not at all."I say laughing.

"I can help you if you want."

"No thanks. I have to figure it out by myself or I'll never learn."I say determined. He sits back and watches.

I ended up struggling by myself for hours, Joseph gave me hints here and there but other than that I had him shut his trap.

"Hey, you know a lot and are familiar with the vault."I stated.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, see I'm doing some research on my own, but I'm having a hard time finding any information."

"You want my help? Okay. What is it your looking for?"

"That's the thing. I can't really tell you, exactly. It's...personal. Kinda."

"How do you expect me to help you then?" He huffs.

"I'll give you little hints but I can't reveal nothing else. And you can't tell Lyle or Demetrius!"I say.

"Cant tell us what?" Demetrius says from behind me, Lyle with him.

"Um..." Joseph starts but I cut him off.

"That Joseph helped me a little on my homework. But I swear, I did it all myself!" I say quickly making an excuse.

"Didnt I say you have to do it on you're own?" Demetrius says. Lyle quietly stares at me with a look that says he doesn't buy my excuse.

"Sorry, it looked like he was confused so I explained to him so he could understand. "Joseph says. Demetrius looks at him then pats him on the back.

"Alright, but next time no helping and or give little information as possible. He's got to figure it out on his own." He says.

"Yes sir." Joseph replies.

"Are you almost done?" Lyle says to me.

"I'm done." I say, gathering my papers, organize them then hand them to Demetrius.

"The first test is tomorrow. Get lots of rest." Lyle says patting my head.

"Okay. I'll see you guys tomorrow before and after the test."

Once they leave Joseph helps me search the vault.

"Raven give me some hints. I can't read minds. " he says.

"Fine. Anything about black hair in regards to magic, purple eyes regarding magic, everything about darkness regarding magic, blindness regarding magic etc. "I say.

"Why are you researching specific things about yourself, like hair color and eyes?"

"Cant say." I shrug, avoiding his question.

"Okaay. I'll get back to you tomorrow about what I find. "He says before disappearing among the vast expanse of shelves and books.

Leaving the vault completely, I  head out into the city. Ronan was bustling with business, both sketchy and honest. Pulling my cloak tighter around me and making sure my mask was secured on properly, I maneuver around the crowds, avoiding pickpockets and scams. Something had gotten the town all riled up. There were rumors spreading, whispers passing along the wind on the down low.  I stuck to the edges of the crowds as I approached closer to the center of the city.

I didn't get a chance to see what the commotion was a bout when I was suddenly jerked into a nearby alley. Not this again I groan internally. I was surprised to see that my assailants were assistants from the vault. They didn't look too happy.

"We've got a bone to pick with you." One of them scowls. Another pokes me hard on the shouldr. They were all taller than me, more built too.

"Dammit...." I sigh.

"What'd you say punk ass?" Said the shoulder poking guy. He poked me again, harder.

"Stop fucking poking me ya dimwit. Or should I say it a way where an idiot such as yourselves can understand?"I say sarcastically.

"Shut up!" He says and shoves me. He pushed me back but I regained my balance then shoved him back, he landed against another guy knocking him over in the process.

"Hold him down!" He yells and two more rush at me. I easily blocked their feasible attempts at offense. I was out on the open and couldn't risk using my magic, so when an energy ball of electricity came hurtling at me, I was barely able to dodge it, by a hair breadth.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" I yell when it collides with the side of the alley, creating a whole and blowing debris everywhere. The rumble it had caused was sure to bring unwanted attention to us and most definetly get us in trouble.

"Fucking idiots." I call out to them as I make a quick get away. Of course with my luck, two of them followed me, close on my heels. I'll just lose the in the crowd, hopefully that'll work.

I try not to push and shove my way through the crowd but I had to do what I had to do. My heart was hammering hard in my chest, as the adrenaline raced through my veins. I tripped and ended up falling onto my hands and knees in the middle of the street where some kind of procession was taking place. A horse whinnied and I could barely get out of th way before the horse trampled me. I felt the hooves hit my face. I felt my mask crack and shatter, the back of my head hitting the hard cobble stone road. I saw black and white dots and my head ached. Dun dun, dun dun, doooon my heart beat was loud and all I could hear until it dies down enough so I could hear someone asking if I was all right.
Someone helped me up but everything was blurry. I wiped at my eyes and blood came away.

My breathing hastened, my hands shook. I felt vulnerable, exposed. My only thought was I had to get out of here, it wasn't safe. The paranoia of being chased by the darkness slowly creeped it's way in and completely put me in an uncomfortable panic attack. I felt like I couldn't breathe, everything felt slow and dreary as I made my way from the crowd. The roaring sound of white noise clogged my hearing and no matter how fast I tried to go, I continued at what seemed like a slow unmovin pace. Desperate for come closure, that nothing was behind me, that I wasn't being followed anymore brought me to turn my head and look.

I watched as blackness poured out from every hole, crack and crevice. From the floors, buildings, people, nothingness. It was thick, cloudy and it swirled direction aimed at me, it was gaining quickly. A shadowy figure stood in the midst of it all, pointing at me. Why couldn't I move any faster? God dammit! I need help. Someone help me! I'll be devoured. The words came to mouth but no sound could be heard.


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