11- Come And Get It

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“We won!”

I rolled my eyes but kept them on the road. It was pretty dark outside and the car was full like a miniature clown car. We were breaking so many laws, it was tragic. “Don’t you always?”

“Yes, we do always.” Todd confirmed from the back. The baseball game had just ended so we were all piled into the car. Luckily, though, there were three cars all going to the same destination that is my house. If we were all in this one car, nobody would have enough room to breathe and it’d be even worse than it was then. We didn’t have school the next day for some weird reason, so almost the whole team was going back to our house to celebrate their unsurprising victory. Marnie even managed to talk her mom into letting her come over (but not spend the night) with Nikki.

It wasn’t even a big win- the school they played against was some small town school that hasn’t won a baseball game for as long as any of the record books can remember. This celebratory party wasn’t really needed, but of course they were in search for any kind of reason to party, even if this wasn’t an alcohol-weed-unsanitary sex kind of party, since my dad would be present, it was still a sweaty-boy, free-food party and that means that everybody was up for it.

When we got home, everyone raced into the house hooting and hollering with their pent up excitement. I walked in, following the large crowd of baseball players with Marnie and Nikki as the whole baseball team barged into my house, raiding our whole kitchen for anything that they could shove into the bottomless pits glued to their faces. I’d learned a long time ago to hide the food precious to me, because if I didn’t then it’d be gone faster than I could remember I even had the food in the first place.

My dad arrived only fifteen minutes after us and when he entered the kitchen, everyone cheered for him enthusiastically with food stuffed in their mouths. He bowed dramatically and said his ‘thank you’s like he’d just won a Grammy or something and his performance was complete with a speech. I wasn’t eating, but Marnie was fully enjoying her night out, which was very amusing considering she wasn’t allowed to celebrations like this very often, so she was flirting with the guys (*cough* Braeden *cough*) .

My dad gave his short I’m-proud-of-you speech to the guys and then they all cheered for him again and then they did our school’s peppy cheer thing before everything settled down a little bit.

“Let’s go upstairs.” I suggested, since I was so used to the rowdiness that it just wasn’t exciting to me, however Marnie and Nikki declined my offer because Nikki said she wanted to hang out with her new boyfriend and Marnie said no because she rarely ever got to hang out with the team like this. Besides, like I said, Braeden was there so how could she not stay down here to ogle over him?

Caleb was there too, but he didn’t really say anything to me for a while because I was just standing in the corner of the room not really talking to anybody. I wasn’t in a bad mood or anything, I just didn’t want to get in the way. I wasn’t as peppy as the team was because it just wasn’t a big win at all. I’d be celebrating with them if it was the national game or something, but it was just a stupid small town game that they win every year.

“You look good tonight.” Caleb finally approached me with a small smile with a can of my Pepsi in his hand. I didn’t hide my Pepsi, but I did hide my Cherry Pepsi, and that’s the stuff that really matters.

“Thanks,” I chirped politely. I was so, completely over him. It was like a switch in my head and yesterday, it just flipped. Well, maybe it was Sunday but either way, it’s gone. I didn’t get nervous around him at all and I didn’t feel like wanting to marry him- even from afar- anymore. I was proud to say that I was completely done with Caleb Fisher. I wasn’t mad at him, though, because he didn’t really do anything too awful to me… or awful at all, I guess. So I wasn’t mad, I was just uninterested.

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