13- Bubbly

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“You and Todd,” Marnie sighed as we walked down the hallway on Monday morning. “I mean, I know I’ve had almost a week to get used to the idea, but it’s still kinda weird.”

“I know,” I muttered in agreement. “It’s still kinda weird for me too.”

“But you like him?”

I bit my lip and nodded. “Yeah, I like him. And oh my gosh, Marnie, I know this is almost unbelievable, but he’s probably one of the best kissers in this millennium.”

She laughed as we pushed our way down the hallway. I had anatomy next and even though Marnie doesn’t have that class, she walks me to my class just because Braeden is in there, and she just really likes to stare at him. Her infatuation with him reminds me so much of my previous infatuation with Caleb, but she actually talks to him. I think he has to know of her crush on him because she hardly even tried to hide it ever, but he doesn’t acknowledge it at all. “You’re right, that’s incredibly unbelievable.”

“But it’s so true.” I gushed. “Like he’s so demanding, but he’s not too demanding. Like, Caleb was just too demanding and it was weird. Granted, he was drunk when I kissed him so maybe he isn’t really like that but oh my God, Marnie. Like, Todd just isn’t like that in life, you know? But yeah, he’s just like, wow.”

She chuckled and we stopped walking outside of my anatomy class. “Yeah, I know. Well, I don’t actually know, but I practically do since I’ve heard the same thing almost every day this week.” She teased me.

I blushed a little bit. “Right, sorry.”

“No, don’t be.” Marnie giggled. “It’s really adorable. I mean, it’s still weird, but an adorable kind of weird.”

“Well, at least it’s an adorable kind of weird.” I laughed, rolling my eyes at her. “Anyway, I’m gonna go on inside and you can wait here for your eye candy.”

“Wait, don’t leave me!” She wailed desperately, grabbing onto my wrist to keep me in place. “It’ll look weird if you’re not standing here with me.”

“It looks weird anyway.” I laughed. “And you’re going to be late to class if you don’t leave soon.”

“Look, he’s coming right now so I’ll be on time.” Marnie grinned, motioning to something behind me, to which I assume is Braeden making his way towards the anatomy classroom. “Hi, Braeden!” She chirped when he got close enough to hear her.

He looked up and walked over to us with a broad smile on his face. “Hey,” He chirped in response.

“Marnie, seriously, you’re going to be late.” I nudged her in the direction of her classroom, which was on the other side of the building and she had like, a minute to get there before the bell rang and she was tardy.

She sighed heavily and nodded. “Okay, you’re right, I’m going. I’ll talk to you later.” She addressed Braeden with the last part of that sentence with a flirty giggle and then trotted away from the doorway as both me and Braeden entered the anatomy room, going to our table in the back. The room was a lab room, so two people sat at each table, so me and Braeden shared a table.

“Marnie’s really interesting.” Braeden mentioned as we sat down.

I laughed. “And by interesting you mean really strange?”

He shrugged. “I mean, she’s really… you know, enthusiastic.”

“Yeah, she can be like that. You’ll get used to her though, I promise.” I assured him with a small smile just as the bell rang and our teacher, Mr. Kramer, marched to the front of the classroom to begin class.

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