EOC CHAPTER 1 : A Warm Welcome

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I'm riding on my skateboard. My hair is blowing in the wind as I rush to my first day of classes at Domino High. I'm just getting use to speaking and reading Japanese, so hopefully I know where I am going. I ride past what looks like fellow students on my way. But I finally make it to my new school.

I go inside and find my locker. I had trouble with the combination. Mostly cause I was still holding my book bag and skateboard. As I stand there fumbling with the lock, a girl with short brown hair came up to me.

"You're new aren't you? Do you need help with that?" She asked me.

"Yes & Yes!" I told her.

"I'm Anzu Mazaki by the way. If you need anything, even a tour around the school, just ask me, ok?" She said opening my locker.

"Domo Arigatou*, Anzu." I said putting my stuff away and closing my locker. "I'll see you in homeroom." I said heading for the nearest bathroom before class.

"Wait! I didn't get your name!" I heard Anzu say when I rounded the corner.

"Jounouchi-Kun! Hello?! Can you hear me? What's up with you today?" Honda asked after the warning bell rang.

"Sorry guys." Jounouchi said coming back to reality. "I was just daydreaming about the new girl."

"What new girl?" Yugi asked joining the conversation.

"How do you know there's going to be a new girl? We didn't hear about a new student." Honda asked him.

"Besides it could be a boy." Yugi added.

"Oh she is definitely not a boy. I...Uh...kind of... followed her to school this morning. She was beautiful. And she was riding and doing tricks on a skateboard. I'm already know I'm gonna marry her." Jounouchi said blushing slightly.

"No way! I don't believe you. That sounds way to good to be true." Honda said in disbelief.

"He's telling the truth. I just met her outside. She seems nice." Anzu said walking in homeroom but no one could hear her over the late bell.

Just then the teacher entered the classroom. "Everyone, we have a new student. She is part Japanese, Egyptian and American." He said writing the name on the chalkboard.

"I told you guys, but NO! There's not suppose to be a new student! Is she really coming or is she just a figment of my imagination?!" Jounouchi yelled at the class as I walked inside the classroom.

Jounouchi stopped rambling at the sight of me and froze up. When the teacher told him to sit down, all he did was faint to the floor.

"Get up Jounouchi, before you get after school detention!" Anzu said while a tall boy with brown hair that stuck straight up, tried to pick him up.

"Don't mind him Teach, he just...uh...is going through a temporary condition." The boy said taking the unconscious blonde back to his seat.

"I'm so sorry Miss for the interruption. I'll be seeing him after class. Now class, this is Miss Miranda Willows. She moved to Japan, three days ago."

The class all said konnichiwa* except a boy with spiky pink and black hair with golden bangs. He just stared at me wide-eyed. It felt a little awkward, but the teacher interrupted the little staring contest. "Miss Mlranda-Chan, your seat is between Anzu Mazaki and Yugi Muotu. You two, raise your hands."

Anzu raised her hand but that Yugi kid raised his hand much slower  never taking his eyes off of me. I walked over to take my seat and the teacher started his lesson. I started to take notes on the subject, looking up a couple of times to make sure I was writing down the right thing. But the 3rd or 4th time I looked up, I saw Yugi watching me intensely with those purple eyes of his. Out the corner of my eye, I saw that he was writing something down, neatly even though he was looking at it. I doubt it was class notes. I looked a little closer on his paper. From what I could tell, he was writing one word over and over, KAWAII*.

"Uh, hi?" I said looking back at the glaring boy.

Apparently, he realized what he was doing because he blushed slightly, and said gomen* to me about ten times before turning around to his desk. Then when he realized what he wrote on his paper, he crumbled it up, and through it at the person in front of him, that boy that helped Jounouchi.

"Hey Yugi, whats your deal man?!"

"Sorry Honda-kun, gomen."

"Yugi-kun, Honda-kun, trying to interrupt my class too huh? I'll see you two after class as well." the teacher said.

Then the bell rang and Jounouchi suddenly woke up from his...uh, trance. I gathered my stuff and headed out the door, but before I left I looked at Yugi and his friends. They were all being scolded by the teacher, their heads bent down in shame for acting like fools. Yugi looked especially ashamed as I saw his sad puppy dog eyes. I couldn't help but feel sorry for them especially Yugi. But then the late bell rang. I walked out the classroom, hoping that my next teacher wouldn't scold me for being late.

gomen*- sorry

Domo Arigatou*- thank you very much

konnichiwa*- hello

kawaii*- cute

Enemy OR Crush? (One day I will edit...)Where stories live. Discover now