Coach Hedge & Mellie

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They're just so adorable! You gotta admit it. Props to Uncle Rick.

Gleeson Hedge was nervous. He didn't know what that felt like. He knew what making other people nervous felt like. But himself? Nope.
He munched on a flower he snatched out of the grass on his way here. He paced around, digging into the wood panels with his hooves.
He heard his wife scream in the other room.
He clopped out of the room faster than he ever made the Wilderness School kids run.
He raced into the delivery room, skidding into the wall.
"What's wrong? What happened?"
Clarisse was sitting next the the bed, gripping Mellie's hand. There were some tears in her eyes as she looked up.
She gruffly stood and walked over to Hedge.
"Guess you're a dad now."
She clapped him on the back and looked at his anxious face.
She led him to the bed, where Mellie was sitting, propped up, and holding a bundle of blankets.
She smiled and looked up as Hedge approached.
She held out the bundle to him.
He picked it up and stared down at the adorable face of his new son.
His little horns stuck out of the blanket, his little fists balled up.
Hedge beamed down at him.
"Welcome to the world Chuck."

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