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This is based off a headcanon. All credit for the idea goes to person who came up with the headcanon.

"Run, girl! Run like the wind!"
Leo ran fast, gripping the girl tightly.
Calypso ran after him, her hair and face caked with flour.
The girl pulled at Leo's shirt.
"Daddy, I think Mommy's mad."
"Really? What makes you say that?"
"Her hands are glowing."
Oh Hephaestus no.
Leo ran faster, sweeping his daughter into his arms.
They ran into the backyard, hiding behind a dragon-shaped swing set.
"Ok, Peranza. I think we lost her."
Leo smoothed down Esperanza's hair.
"Daddy! Look out!"
He turned around just in time to see a pouncing Calypso.
She landed on Leo and Peranza, hugging them tightly, and covering them in flour.
Calypso grinned and kissed his cheek. She ruffled her daughter's hair.
"Your fault, Valdez."

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