A better Cell

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~Sam's p.o.v~
"While she waited at the front of her cottage in the woods awaiting his arrival she pondered upun her thoughts. When will he be back i must tell him. She said as she held her noticible belly that held the small embreyo. Time went by and yet he never showed up however she kept on waiting. As more time went by she birth a young girl with beautiful golden locks and bright blue eyes like the sky on a bright sunny day. As she raised her kid by the years she told stories to the child about her father. How his face was well structured and how the sky looked as if his golden locks hung from the heavens above she told her child how it was love at first sight. However by the years she grew older and her hope was fading away. Her daughter grew up and aged well. Being good in heart and her beauty could nit compare. One day when she came back fron gathering water from the well she saw her mother on the floor as if dead." A sudden ringing interupted my reading. I closed the book but not before i marked it. "Wait are you not going to finish the story i want to know what happens " The prince said next to me still sitting close to me."that is the bell for supper i must go and eat " i said standing up inly to have him tug at our chains and pull me down really close to him. "Well if you must but please can you make my sell a bit better the rats are starting to bother me and i need to take a shower" he said honestly he doesnt smell so bad. " those are not rats they are guards in disguise bur anyways i will slightly improve your cell but it will still be locked by barrier magic. " i said he rolled his eyes but nodded, i began to walj dragging him behind me and going to his cell i used the dust and blewbit making his cell have a bathroom a bed and a chair along with one lamp " there i hope that is what you need " i said he nodded before giving me a hug. This hug was different it wasnt like it is when Grian hugs me. But it felt ... nice

-Freak out

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