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I jumped up, waiting for what his idea was. He got up slowly and turned to face me. 

"I have to show you something"

I agreed and Jack swooped me up and carried me out the window into the night sky. As I was carried outside, I grabbed my broom to take with me, so I let go of Jack and hopped on it. 

"Where are we going?" I asked looking over at him. 

"Not telling you!" he said before racing forward ahead of me. 

"Not fair!" I said laughing and I hurried to catch up with him.

Jack slowed down when we reached a neighborhood. He went to the window of one of the houses and peeked in. He looked back at me and pushed the window open, motioning for me to follow him. I cautiously went over to the window and went inside. 

Jack was talking to a boy who was sitting on the bed. He looked up and saw me at the window. The boy squinted in my direction and said: "is there a spirit there?" 

"Yup," Jack answered, " her name is (y/n) Halloween!" 

The boy shut his eyes for a second and then opened them, "oh, she's pretty!"

Last Believer ~Jack Frost x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now