Chapter 45

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Calum's pov

I was finally feeling better. It had been a few days but I was now feeling good. Today, the boys and I had a meeting together. We needed to decide what we wanted to do next year. Whether we wanted to tour again or not. I wasn't really sure what I wanted. I would like to travel, and perform to everyone again but I really want to be at home with Megan and Emma. I can't miss another 6 months of Emma's life. She's growing up so fast.

"Babe, I'm going now," I said, walking into our room where Megan was getting dressed.

"Alright, Cal. I'll see you later," she smiled, standing up and walking over to me.

"I love you, gorgeous!" I replied, kissing her head and hugging her.

"I love you too, baby," she answered, wrapping her arms around my waist.

I went downstairs and went into the living room.

"Bye, princess," I smiled, hugging Emma.

"See you soon," I added. I left the house and got into my car. The meeting was being held at Ashton's house. I drove to his house and went inside.

"Hey, Cal," Ashton smiled, as I walked in.

"Hi, u alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. Are you feeling better now?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I'm feeling all good now. Megan looked after me," I smiled.

"Good, Michael and Luke are on there way. Would you like a drink?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll just have one because I'm driving," I replied.

He went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer for him and myself.

"Thanks man," I smiled, taking a sip.

Luke and Michael came a few minutes later and they all had a beer too.

"So, what are we thinking about next year?" Luke asked.

"I don't know, what do you guys want to do?" Ashton questioned.

"Uh, I don't know. I do want to be at home with Emma and Meg but I wouldn't mind going on tour again," I answered.

"Michael, what do you think?" Ashton asked.

"I think we shouldn't go on tour next year. I do love it so much, but I think we should take a year off touring. Maybe we could do little shows in countries at random times throughout the year, but I think we could do with sometime at home," Michael explained.

"I agree with Michael, I think we need sometime to be at home," Luke added.

"Yeah, I think so too," Ashton replied.

"I don't mind writing some new songs whilst we're off too?" I added.

"That's a good idea. Maybe, we could create a new album whilst we're off and then go on tour with it, the year after," Luke replied.

"Yeah. So do we all agree to stay at home?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, we all do," I said.

"Right, I'll ring management and tell them our plans," Ashton said, leaving the room.

"So, what are you guys doing for Christmas?" Luke asked.

"I don't know, I've gotten Megan a few things and Megan and I have ordered Emma some things too." I explained.

"Yeah, I don't know what I'm doing on Christmas," Michael added.

"Why don't you all come round to my house? Megan and I will cook some dinner and we can have fun together," I asked.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Luke said.

"Yeah, I'll come!" Michael replied.

"I'll ask Ashton when he comes back," I smiled.

I stayed at Ashton's for the rest of the morning and some of the afternoon. We all agreed to come to mine on Christmas Day and we made some plans for next year. We have announced to our fans that we won't be touring next year but will be working on a new album. Most of them are happy which is great.

I have now just arrived back at my house and have gone inside.

"Hey babe," I said, walking into the living room.

"Hey, look daddy's home!" Megan smiled, talking to Emma.

"Hey princess," I smiled, walking over to them both.

"Dada," I heard a little voice say.

"What?" I questioned.

"What?" Megan repeated.

"Did she just say that?" I questioned.

"I think so," Megan replied.

We both looked at each other and then back to Emma.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled, kneeling I front of Emma who was sat on Megan's knee.

"Did you just talk?" I smiled, stroking her cheek.

"Can you say dada?" Megan said, watching Emma.

We both watched her for a while as she looked between us.

"Dada," she giggled.

"Oh my god! Emma!" I shouted.

"She just said her first word. That's so amazing!" Megan smiled.

I picked her up off Megan's lap and gave her a cuddle.

"Your so cute!" I smiled, kissing her cheek. I can't believe that she's said that. She's growing up so fucking fast.

"I was not expecting her to say that. That's so amazing!" Megan smiled, walking over to us and putting her arms around my waist.

"I know, me neither," I smiled. I gave Megan a kiss on the forehead and handed Emma back over to Megan.

"So, how was your meeting then?" Megan asked.

"Alright, pretty boring to be honest!" I explained. I wasn't going to tell Megan about not touring yet because I wanted to surprise her with it.

"Aw, how are all the boys?" She questioned.

"They are all great. I've invited them over for dinner on Christmas Day. Is that okay?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that's great!" She smiled.

"Good," I replied.

The rest of the day was spent with Emma and Megan in the garden as it was hot.

"Babe?" I questioned.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Can I take you on a date tomorrow evening?" I asked.

"Yeah I would love to!" She smiled.

"Yay! I've missed going on dates with you!" I replied.

"I've missed it too," she laughed.

I haven't written one of these in a while and so many people are starting to read this book so thank you! I hope everyone is doing good and you are all enjoying the story.

After the date they go on, the book might start to skip through time as that's when the main part of the story shall continue. (If that makes any sense)

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