(X) Prologue (X)

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Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap-

The sound of a pen tapping on the wooden desk was the only sound that filled the quiet, large room. Not only that, but, water drops, endlessly falling from the sky and plummeting straight into the ground, also was to be heard.

"Five minutes left, students." Called out a tall female, who stood at the front of the classroom, whilst giving a cold glare towards a (h/c) haired girl; sitting at her desk, with a bored look sketched across her average-looking face, which was adorned with shining (e/c) eyes.

Tick, tick, tick,

(e/c) orbs gazed across the room to stare at the huge clock, hanging on a wall. The clock's handle kept on going, adding more tension; time was running up for everyone.

Despite the apathetic look, the (e/c) eyed girl's mind was in a frenzy,

'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!' She looked away from the clock and stared back down at the paper before her, pen in hand. Nervously, the girl began to carelessly write down a bunch of random words.

'Oi, dude. Help me out, won't you?'

'What is it now, (Y/N)? And how dare you talk to me while I'm trying to sleep.'

Said girl, known as (Y/N), rolled her eyes.

'Stop being a prissy bitch and help me out by giving me the answers, goddammit.'

'Foolish human, what makes you think that I'll help you?'


'It's your problem, not mine.'

(Y/N) could hear the smirk behind his words, this just caused her blood to boil in anger. Who knew a demon could be such a drama queen?

Suddenly, the bell rang throughout the place, making the panicking girl's blood turn freezing cold.
"Okay, class! Hand in your papers!"

'Fuck my life...'


"I'm home!"

(Y/N) Sighed as she headed into her apartment, unlocking the door, the (h/c) haired fifteen-year-old female walked into her spacious territory. 'Time for some fooooood~' Thought the girl, as she threw her bag onto the ground and walked her way into the kitchen, only for her to see him.

Eyes narrowed, with a scowl placed across her plain features, she glowered at the demonic male, intensely.
"What the fuck?! First you decided to be a lazy bastard and not help me, and now you decide to raid MY fridge?! Zal, what the heck?!" The angry teenager yelled, while flailing her arms about.

Said male only groaned in reply,
"For your information, human, you owe me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be where you are now."
He frowned, "And I do not like that nickname, at all."

"Whatever you say," She began, as she walked to her bed and face-planted into the warm, cosy sheets.
"Zalgo-bitch, just get the fuck out already. Anyone would freak out if they happened to see a demon in here." The girl finished with muffled words.

A long sigh was heard from behind her, "I order you to keep your windows and doors firmly locked shut, you wouldn't want any unwanted guests to stumble across here, now would you?"

Instantly, the female's head shot up, "What do you-" Her eyes glanced across the place, only to find no-one. "-Mean..." She got up from her current position and walked over to her wardrobe, picking out a large plain t-shirt, long enough to barely reach just above her knees.

'It's a really hot day today...' (Y/N) stripped herself of her current clothing and wore the shirt along with a pair of (f/c) pyjama shorts. Now comfortable, she headed back towards her bed and placed the warm, soft blanket over her. Her head began to sink into the pillow, as her nostrils breathed in the fresh fragrance.

She started to curl up into a ball-like position, and with heavy eyelids, her eyes shut closed, covering her lovely (e/c) eyes. Nothing but black filled her vision, as she began to shift and turn, trying to sleep and move onto the next day. But, she just couldn't, not when the demon's words carried on repeating themselves in her head.

'What the hell does he mean? Unwanted guests...'

That's when she heard a loud 'thud' across the room, supposedly in the direction of the windows nearest to her, followed by what seemed like one-- no, two voices, more like angry whispers;

"Hoods, what the hell? You could've woken someone up."

"Shut it, and just kill the sleeping bitch already. That smiling motherfucker's already put me in a bad mood, so I don't need you to make it any worse."

Sorry for any accidental typos, I'll fix them ^^

Thank you all so much for reading, I'll update again as soon as I can, my cupcakes.


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