(X) Chapter 8 - H (X)

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Your POV

       "It's quite impressive- you're still here... So it seems," You knew he detested the idea of you staying here, considering from the way he spoke to you. Nonetheless, you smirked at the faceless, abnormally tall, being who sat in his rich, leathery seat on the opposing side of the spotless mahogany desk. The surface appeared so clean, you could even see your beautiful reflection.

       "Now, that'd be rather silly of you to think that I'd be eliminated so easily, don't you think? After all," Your eyes glinted for a split second, "I am the proxy of the demon king himself," 'Getting cocky now, are you?' Piped up a small voice within you. Slenderman couldn't help but to let out a ghostly, deep spine-chilling chortle at how gutsy a being you were. If he had any facial expressions, you knew he'd be grinning at you; carefully inspecting the well professionally wrapped bandages around your arms and legs, you were grateful towards the gentlemanly eyeless cannibal- gentleman-like, only if you cut out the part where he was staring at your sides, and from remembering what he had on his plate the night before, you knew exactly what he was thinking. However, you did prefer his attitude over the other two men.

       The boss of the residence propped his paper white chin onto his ghostly hands, "I admire your bravery, I'll give you that. Do remember you've got two more tests to have completed for you to earn your place at this mansion. And before you leave, I want to have thoroughly discussed a matter that always seems to peak my interest. I would greatly appreciate if you cooperate willingly by answering. Truthfully, that is." Your smirk was replaced by a thin line, you were indebted to the fact that in spite of the powerful being's proficiency in seeking out one's thoughts, you on the other hand, was a different matter. He would never be able to know what you're thinking- although, that's the extent as to what knowledge, including his ability to teleport, you have about the Slenderman.

       "Fine then- you have my association," You gave a nod, signalling for him to carry on.

       "Good. Now then, as you are aware of me knowing that you are 'his' proxy, I'm sure we have that established. Unlike the others who reside underneath the shelter in which I've provided for them," He paused for a moment and later spoke up just as you were going to question, nevertheless he beat you to it. "They don't have any understanding about your 'special concernments'. I've made sure of that, and the reason for it is because in return your full payment will be to run errands and fulfill missions for me," You raised a brow in confusion, you knew what he was going on about, but...

       "So wait- does that mean I'll be having to work with-"

       "My proxies? Why, of course. Meaning, you'll be working for me. As a proxy." He finished off for you with an answer of his own. Wow, sometimes you really could be an open book; even those who don't have crazy mind powers can tell what you were thinking of- Wait.

       "Did you just say that I'll be working with your proxies?"

       "As a matter of fact, yes, yes I did."

       "And that I'm gonna be one of your damned proxies?"

       "I prefer the term loyal, and yes. I'm convinced that I've described the situation to you as clear as possible, have I not?" Before you could object, he cut you off with a bony hand in front of your face. "Yes, I'm sure I have. Moreover..." He grabbed your wrist and pulled up your newly given yellow hoody's sleeve, up to the point of your elbow. "There is no sign marked by him to prove you are his proxy,"

       'What, does that mean I have to be branded..?' 

       "Thus, you will work with Masky and Hoodie. The ticking child currently has enough missions on his hands, so you won't be working with him." He let go of your arm.

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