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Your Pov.

I make my way to the cafeteria, my backpack hanging from my elbow. The only thing I can think about is all the homework I have to do. I groan. Thanks Lord people are so noisy in the hallway. "Y/N, wait!" I hear a peachy voice behind me.

I lower my pace so, whoever it is, can catch up. "Hey, where you going'?" Hana asks by my side. I give her a cheeky grin. "Cafeteria, my precious love." I ask, sending a hand to my chest and close my eyes. "Your only love, Y/N." She says pushing me friendly from the shoulder.

I giggle. Yeah, my one and only is food. I mean, who doesn't like food? And yeah, the school's food is kind of good (surprising, I know) and I like it. Especially when there's hamburgers. My mouth waters just by thought.

My stomach makes a horrible grown, and I feel I'm not the only one who notices it because Hana laughs. I blush. Yeah well, now you know that I love food.

We enter the cafeteria and the time we get in, all eyes pose on us. I swallow. What now? Hana looks at me, not understanding. I slightly shrug, quite not caring. I walk up to the food and I still feel all eyes on my back.

The place is getting flooded by a drowning silence. I swallow. I take my tray and walk with Hana beside me to our table. I'm not a girl who likes attention and I know it's a basic cliché and people say that, but I mean it. Just going to parties where teenagers get drunk, get pregnant... And and unfilled list, uhm, I pass.

And there goes prom. Another prom I won't assist. You know why? Because I don't date anyone, or at least not anyone that knows. Hana, obviously, is going, and I'm happy for her. She would never miss a prom. Never. She told me she would stay with me the night, but I denied. I said she had to live her life and not missing prom and I tried to be reasonable and discarding the selfish part but, deep inside, I wanted her to stay.

Hana taps on my arm, dragging me out of my thoughts. I raise my eyebrows and a smiles shines on her pale face. I look strangely at her, and turn my head to where her gaze had just returned. Chandler Riggs is there with a big cardboard in his hands saying:


I look around to notice the drowning silence, again dragging me deeper and deeper. I look for a girl that is the lucky one, but all eyes are on me. I shrug and get back to my food. "Y/N." Hana grits her perfect teeth. "Mhm?" I ask not leaving my food.

I feel the blood leaving my face. "Y/N." She says. "Yeah?" I take a big bite of my hamburger and start chewing, not caring about the shape I will get. "Y/N!" She says almost shouting, tapping me with her heel on my foot. "Auch," and she doesn't say anything, she just motions me to look at him. Whispers drown my ears.

Is it for me?

And I mentally slap myself for such a stupid thought. "Y/N," his voice firm. "Would you like to go to prom with me?" What? I'm numb.

Say something, I shout. "I-I," and the cheers begin. People cheering: "say yes!" Or awes. I smile. I still can't believe this is for me. Senior year and first time being invited. In a way I feel flattered. I turn to look at Hana, who has her hands clapped together, her chin resting on the knuckles and giving me a big smile. I smile back and she mouths me a: 'say yes'. I turn my head to meet his pare of blue eyes. I bite my lip.

Is this seriously happening? The boy I would've never talked to, is asking me to prom? Why? We have talked a few times, for school projects, not more. I gulp. If I tell him 'no', the guilt will tear me apart. If I do, I will... And the words slip from my mouth before I can stop them. "Yes." I say. The cafeteria explodes is awes and "urras".

Chandler smiles and walks up to me. I look at him, eyes wide open. "Why?" And I would've rather biting my tongue. "Because I heard you haven't gone to one," he says. So he's heard. Everyone is getting to their things. "Are you pitying me?" I ask with a mock smile crossing my face.

He looks at me and for some bad reason, I have the great idea to cross his lips with the sight. He smiles. "No. It's just I wanted to be your first," he says stepping closer to me.

My heart hammers in my chest, I'm numb, again. His arm travels to my waist, pulling me closer to him. I gasp. Be my first."Do what?" I ask, but his lips are on mine.

And, I find myself kissing back.

[An; I'm literally obsessed with this story called: 'The Hoodie Girl' and oh my god. Can I write like her? Like my writing literally sucks compared to hers. And yeah!

Since you guys are inactive and such, I will ask for comments and favorites for another chap. 5 favorites and 5 comments. Let's have it simple. Okey? ]

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