Have you tried drinking beer, cocktails, scotch or even tequila?
The way they will give you a burning sensation down your throat.
Down to your esophagus to your stomach and will linger their for a while
Then when you had more than enough of your daily alcohol limit
You will puke all of your guts out till you can't see straight and asking yourself why in the hell you drink that much
Promising yourself that never in your life that you will touch alcohol again
Well until the hangover subdued and the ibuprofen kicks in that is
And when everything is up and dandy
You can walk straight with no throbbing head
You will again drink like there is no tomorrow forgetting the promise you made in the past
That's how our life moves in that perfect illustration
Of how an alcoholic life cycle is
Being sober then drunk next then here comes the killer hangover then sober again
Never ending cycle as long as their is an alcohol available within our arms length
But needless to say alcohol is one member of the evil
Together with drugs and cigarettes
Alcohol have a major role when it comes to
Rape, murder, and violence.
But it also give us the courage to do things we never do when sober.
Confidence you can't find someone on their everyday life
It has it's up and down but regardless to say
It still within one person if they will get drunk or just have a chill
As the old sayings goes
"Drink occasionally."
Think Outside The Box
PoetryWe all hear this old saying Once or twice in our life "Think outside the box!" "Be unique!" "Be yourself!" "Be anyone your heart desire!" "Express yourself!" "Be the driver of your own life!" But most of the time it's not the case. We tend to bend o...