Chapter 16: Breaking News

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Chapter 16: Breaking News

Title: Cutie Patooties with a nice Booty

According to the demographics of readers on my blog, 95% of you are teenage girls. To the other 5% of boys reading this, I hope my rants about the female life are helping you to pick up some girls. However, you 5% of males on my blog right now will probably not be interested in what I’m about to say so I suggest you get off.

Okay, now for the real deal. I attended my first actual high school party. *queue gasps of many socially awkward teenagers* yes, yes. I know I myself can’t even believe I went either. But I did it for a cause. The cause that my ultimate high school crush was at the party. So I attended and I learned two things. One that my ultimate high school crush is a pretty big d-bag for kissing another girl infront of me and also that my ultimate crush isn’t who I thought it was. It’s actually a guy who is cocky as fuck, thinks he is some sort of badass, but truly is cutie patootie. Wow, I just called my crush a cutie patootie. I need to stop. Too socially awkward to have a boyfriend.

See yah suckers,

The Anon.

Switching tabs, I resumed watching Breaking Bad. For some odd reason, I wanted Jesse Pinkman to be my boyfriend even though he is a meth dealer. Oh well, I guess I’m into those bad boy types. The tab in which my blog was open flashed. Curious, I paused the video and switched back to my blog. It was a notification for a new comment. Scrolling past what I had written, I got to the top comment.

Badasscutiepatootie: So who is this new boy?

My heart immediately fluttered. It was Chase. His cheeky ways put a smile on my face and I decided to reply.

The Anon: Well Badasscutiepatootie that is for me to know and you to find out. :)

Clicking reply. I shut my laptop and got out of bed. It was about 11 o’clock in the morning and Britton was still sleeping, and I let him after he cleaned up the house after everyone left last night. Making my way to the kitchen I heard a noise from there. I stopped in my tracks. Was there a murder? Or maybe was it a robber? Crazy thoughts raced through my head as I stood rooted to my spot. Maybe I was overthinking it. It could be Britton, but that was highly unlikely because he would always stop by my room after he woke up. My suspicions getting the better of me, I grabbed Britton’s lacrosse stick and held it close to my chest. Slowly, I approached to the kitchen making sure the floorboards under my feet didn't creek. The kitchen seemed in normal condition until I heard the clatter of plates from the open refrigerator. Scared for my life, I ran up to the fridge only find my lacrosse stick yanked out of my grasp. No! My only weapon!  Closing my eyes, I raised my fists and started pounding against the intruder.

“Jesus, Charlotte! For a girl this tiny you punch pretty hard.” said the intruder. Holy shit the guy knew my name!

“I’m innocent! Take anything just not me!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. The intruder grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer to him. My heart was in my throat by now. I could feel the intruder’s breath on near my ear.

“How about your laptop?” He whispered in my ear. My eyes opened in a flash.

“Oh hell no, buddy.” I said back. Instead of actually trying to hit my intruder, I noticed who it was.

“Chase! You little shit!” I yelled at him, as he let out a hearty laugh, his warm breath still against me. Oh,no. He wasn’t at his probation length of 10 ft. Oh, no, he was more like mere centimeters away from my face. Dang he looks nice. As I took in his features and would recommend him to be a male model, I felt him stare at me. Our gaze locked  and I was absolutely done.

“So Charlotte, would you like to tell me who this cutie patootie you like is?” He asked with a mischievous grin on his face. I hung my head low in embarrassment of using that word.

“Why are you here going to my food, Chase?” I asked opening up the fridge door and grabbing the milk carton.

“I actually came by to see you. I wanted to see if you’re okay from last night.” He said as he turned around and opened up some cupboards looking for cereal bowls. I walked up right next to him and opened the cupboard he was looking for and when I looked over at him I swear there was a blush on his face.

“Yeah guess I’m fine. But it’s not like we were official boyfriend or girlfriend.” I said shrugging and grabbing the Lucky Charms box and pouring cereal in. On the outside I seemed pretty easy on the situation, but on the inside it was killing me. I always had such bad luck when it came to boys.

“Well, since I knew you wouldn’t be okay, I brought all the seasons of Breaking Bad.” He said with a grin, my grin was wider. In excitement I wrapped my arms around his neck. Chase’s citrusy smell filled my nose and it felt nice. His arms wrapped around my waist and it felt like, as cliche as it sounds, I had found my matching puzzle piece. But before I could enjoy the moment any longer, Chase pulled away and grabbed our bowls of cereal.

“Come on, Charlotte. We have a whole season to watch in 24 hours.” He said as he left me in the kitchen confused and hormonal. How could I believe, Chase Parker, residential hottie of my high school, like me? I need to stop daydreaming, it’s side effect are getting to me. As I walked into the living room, Chase was sprawled across the couch, so I took the love seat next to the couch.

“Charlotte, I’m not going to bite. Come sit with me.” Chase said patting the seat next to me. Hesitantly, I got up and sat a whole seat away from him, but still my heart fluttered and I was at loss of breath. As Chase turned the t.v on I chanted to myself silently “I will not become a crazed hormonal teenager.” Maybe it would have helped. As the T.V flickered on the news channel come up.

“And now for some pop culture updates. First off, we have this amazing teen blogger in Los Angeles, California. She apparently calls herself the “The Anon” and she is an internet sensation. But who is this mystery girl?” said the newscaster. And at that moment, my Lucky Charms weren’t so lucky anymore.


Hey guys,

I know I said I would update yesterday, but first of all it was friday the 13th (im usually not supersticious but my shoeleace broke yesterday and I nearly died) and I had cross country practice which totally drained me out and I went to bed at like 8. I know, I know this is a sucky chapter but I promise all of this is going to get so much better. Thank you so much for you comments, votes and fans I can't believe this book has nearly 11k reads and almost 600 votes like I CAN NOT CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT....

Stay swaggy my people,

Alex :)

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