Chapter 10

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Liam: I'm a superman I can take your hand and fly you anywhere you wanna go yeah.

Zmalik: Yeah I know you would take me anywhere I wanna go.

Lman: I can read your mind like billboard sign and tell you everything you want to hear.

Zmalik: Okay I'm getting confused.

Lman: I'm singing don't ruin my moment.

Zmalik: Okay.

Lman: but I I can be everything you need if your the one for me I'll be unstoppable.

Lman: And I forgot the rest of the lyrics. Shit.

Zmalik: Lol your cute when you forget things.

Lman: I'm not cute I'm hella sexy. BTW I has fun with you like I mean just look at us.

 BTW I has fun with you like I mean just look at us

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Zmalik: oh my God you actually took pictures. Shit we look cute together.

Lman: yeah ik.

Zmalik: well I better go I promised Louis I would go and help him with his art project. Bye.

Lman: bye.

"I'm telling you Louis he so God damn cut and his lips are so soft when they touch mine. Why won't he just ask me out already?"

Louis just rolled his eyes as his best friend went on and on about Liam. "Here I got something for you why don't you just ask him why he won't ask you out. Its not hard."

Zayn continued to draw is picture of a rose. He smiled to himself as he started thinking about his weekend with Liam. He was brought out of his thoughts as Louis' phone ringed.

Louis looked at the caller Id and sighed realizing he was finally excused out of his stupid art project. "Harry?" Zayn asked. "Um y-yeah its just Harry. Excuse me while I go talk to him." Zayn waved him off and continued his drawing. "You got five minutes Liam." Louis has been talking well more like texting with Liam. Liam wanted to surprise Zayn by moving to where he lives and going to school with him.

"Okay so I'll be there like before second period. And I need you to distract Zayn while I go and get my schedule from the office and settle my stuff in my locker. Got it?"

"Yeah I got it. On your way here can you buy me a blueberry muffin?" Louis heard a sigh from the other end of the phone. "Fine." And with that they both hung up.

Louis returned back to the art room where Zayn was waiting for him to help him with his project.

Louis peeked at Zayn's notebook and saw that he was writing a short poem.

If you want me to stay
Say the word and I'm here
But if you want me to leave you
Say the word and I'll go.

Louis smiled to himself he always loved reading his best friends poems or mainly thoughts.

"Alright so how about we start sculpting?"

Okay before you say anything I know it's been some time since you heard from me but I wanted to get this up before you know someone murders me. So what do you guys think about Liam's surprise for Zayn?

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