Chapter 16

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Months later

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Zayn: So that's why there were only eleven roses in the bouquet

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Zayn: So that's why there were only eleven roses in the bouquet.

Fakeliampayne: happy valentines day babe 😍. Your everything I've ever wanted you make me really happy and i don't want anything to change between us. I want us to stay forever i can already imagine us having a future together😍😘. We will have a beautiful family that will complete my whole life.


Fakeliampayne: Zayn?

Zayn: Your making me cry please stop😭

Fakeliampayne: Aw babe don't cry.

Zayn: That was really sweat.

Fakeliampayne: I know I'm an awesome boyfriend.

Zayn: Don't flatter yourself Payne.

Fakeliampayne: Sorry

Zayn: well I'm going to bed so I'll see you tomorrow yeah?

Fakeliampayne: Can I come over and cuddle you?

Zayn: Sure

Fakeliampayne: On my way

Liam's POV

I was driving to Zayn's house because I was finally getting the chance or as Niall says "chonce" to cuddle Zayn ever since he left when he came to visit me last time.

I was thinking of all the things me and Zayn would be able to do when we get older and have an amazing family that's if we don't breakup. You know what I mean right?

I made it to Zayn's house and gave him a quick text that I was here outside his door..I got out my car and went to his door before I can even knock to see if he forgot the door swings open.

Before Zayn could speak telling me to come in I tackle him into a hug lifting him off the ground making him wrap his legs around my torso.

I start kissing him from his lips to his neck making him let a moan escape his lips. "Now I know where it is." I tell Zayn with a smirk making Zayn smack me upside the head. "Ha Ha Ha funny now will you put me down for I can close the door I want to go to sleep." I put him down before he could continue whining.



"What would you say instead of sleeping we Netflix and chill yeah?"

"Very funny Liam we said we were going to sleep and cuddle." I gave Zayn a puot before he grabbed my hand and took me upstairs to his room.

Zayn got in bed and followed by me right after I took of my shoes and my shirt. I lied in bed and pulled Zayn in closer with me I wrapped my arm around his waist while he snuggled into my chest.

His body felt so warm right against mine. His smaller body fitted right into my muscular one. I heard Zayn yawn. I kissed his forehead and whispered to him. "Goodnight babe." And left sleep take over me.

Sorry I had to skip ahead a few months cause I have good way to end this book and make the sequel to this and yeah I needed to so don't hate me.


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