Chapter 13

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Liam's POV

I told Louis to take care of Zayn while I go and get everything ready for our date and to not let him get out.

I started packing the stuff for our date and saw Niall on his phone looking quite upset. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked him looking very concerned.

"No it's just that I never told Josh I was moving that's all." I looked at him with a smirk. "JOSH!" Niall gave me his 'what the fuck' face and then started to smile when he saw Josh coming down the stairs and ran towards.

"Your welcome." Niall came to me and gave me a hug and mumbled a 'thank you' when we were breaking apart. "How did you do this?" Niall asked me starting to get curious. "Well I felt guilty about how I took you away from Josh and bought him a ticket to come and stay with us so now he lives here with us so yeah that's how I Liam Payne did it." Niall just gave me another warm smile cause he was so happy in what I did.

I left them so they can catch up. And I went back into the kitchen to finish packing and heading to where I was suppose to go.

I went to this little lake by the woods and starting setting things up before I went to go pick up Zayn from Louis' flat.

Minutes later I got a message from Louis.

Louis: Zayn is getting really impatient right now. So can you please hurry up!

Liam: yeah on my way don't worry.

I left everything where it was suppose to be and went to go pick up Zayn. Knowing Zayn I knew that when I got there I would have to blind fold him before I took him out.


I got to Louis' flat to only see a clam Zayn laying on the couch watching the telly. "Hey babe. Ready to go?" I asked him to only get a stare by him and a him rolling his eyes.

"Oh come on you can't be really mad for leaving you here with Louis are you?" Zayn finally got up from the couch and walked up to me.

"Upset no, mad yes. You left me with Louis for fucks sake you couldn't have at least left me with Harry!?" I calmed Zayn down by pressing my lips to his own. Surprising that he was mad at me he didn't pull back he actually kissed back.

"Come on lets get going. But before we leave I need to put a blind fold on you." I told Zayn and to his response his eyes widened a bit. "What!? Why?"

"Because I can't trust you to peek at my surprise." Zayn didn't hesitate and finally turned around for I can put on the blindfold on him.

I started leading him to the car and drive off to the surprise date I had planned out for us

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I started leading him to the car and drive off to the surprise date I had planned out for us.

Next chapter his their date. What did you guys think about this chapter be honest. And sorry for the late update I went to a school dance and I forgot bout this and was up trying to remember why happened in the last chapter and I was like oh yeah now I have to write about Liam getting it ready so yeah here it is. Bye👋


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