Chapter 5 • Patrick Issues

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~ Chapter 5 ~

With 5 plates of Nandos and a heck of a car ride later, We finally got back to the hotel.

We were exhausted. We all piled down on the couch and watched TV for about an hour, before I had to go home.

"Bye guys, I'll see you tomorrow?"I said. They said their good- byes, and I headed to the door.

Before I even grabbed the door handle, someone grabbed my wrist.

"Wait!" I turned around to see Zayn; the boys snickering and smirking behind him.


"I- uhh- I Good night"He blushed, while scratching the back of his neck. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He gaped at me while I laughed.

"Goodnight." He was to frozen to respond and I left. I heard the boys teasing him from outside. I couldn't keep that grin off my face, Okay, I don't even care how cliche this will sound, But butterflies are literally invading my body right now. Like really...

I opened the door to our hotel suite and walked to the bathroom.

"You look like a retard from the look on your face now!"Patrick made this face I couldn't even explain..

I groaned slamming the door to the bathroom.

"Like you aren't like that every single day!"I retorted. Every single day I see him smiling like a retard when his girlfriend texts him.

I sighed into the mirror, still not noticing I'm still smiling.

"IN LOOOVVVEEEE"Patrick shouted ignoring my statement; suddenly making me trip on the floor.

He might of heard it because I heard his laugh through the door.

I washed my face and heard a whisper through the door.

"In love!"Patrick whispered through the door.

"Get out Patrick!!"I shouted annoyed.

He snickered.

"I am outside stupid!"He sassed.

I'm really surprised he isn't related to Louis...


I flipped the channels, clearly bored out of my mind. I had this serious headache that's literally like a hammer banging on my head. It's not like I drank last night.

Since I couldn't find anything to watch on TV, I turned it off and went over to the kitchen to make coffee.

I sat down on the table and put my fingers around the hot mug; Thinking of what will happen if we fly to Florida in

a few days. What about the boys?

I sighed frustrated.

And there's a bigger problem.

I think I have feelings for Zayn...

No you don't!

The little voice inside my head kept bugging me; It's making my headache WORSE...

I finished my coffee and went back on the couch with more questions bombarding my head.

Ed Sheeran's voice came from my pocket signalling somone was calling me.

"Hello?"I sighed.

"HEY GURLL!"Louis screamed.

I cringed pulling the phone away from my ear.

"Lou I have a headache!"He laughed

"Did you like drink yesterday?"

"FYI Louis, getting drunk isn't the only way to get headaches."I said rubbing my temples.

"Sorry... We're all just really bored."

"Tell me about it!"I laughed. I heard shuffling, in other words Louis trying to get his phone back.

" give it back!"I heard Louis in the backround.

"Hi Penny!"Zayn's voice said cheerfully yet nervously.

I giggled.

"Heyy Zayn! But you better give the phone back to Louis.."

"Yeah...that's probably right.."He said.

"Ughh... He can't stop talking about you, you know?"Louis voice said annoyed.

"Like, she's so pretty and all! She's so nice! I think I like her! Wait whoopss!"Louis imitated Zayn laughing.

"LOUIS!"Zayn screamed followed by Louis screaming.

I bet I have to come over and stop them before the hotel manager comes there.

I hung up and got the keys and headed to the boys' suite.

I knocked on the door to see Zayn, out of breath, flushed.

"H-Hey Penny"He smiled. Louis went behind him and pat his head.

"This little fella has a wittle crush on you"Louis cooed.

"Off the hair!"He scolded. I chuckled.

"Mind if I come in? I have nothing else to do..."I trailed off. Zayn's eyes seemed to light up.

"Sure!"He smiled genuinely.

I returned the gesture and went in. I took off my shoes and flopped down on the couch.

"Want to watch a movie?"He suggested. I just nodded and Louis picked a movie.

They looked at each other and smirked.

This will not be good...

"Why not paranormal activity?"

Well, Shit

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