chapter 3

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**three weeks later **

Today i had to work so i got up and did my daily routine and got dressed in my grey dress with black heels. After i was done with gettin ready i left to the studio.

**30mins later**

Wen i got there i met up with my manger hope. Hooe is like my mom she looks out for me.

Hope: hey hun

Me: hay hope

Hope: today u would be workin with....

She stoped talkin im lost

Me: who

Hope: who u want


Hope: August alisna dimwod

Me:ohh u could have said tht

Hope: ohhhhhk he should be here soon ok so imma go make some calls


Atfer she left out i started playin with the mixer makein some beats and singin untill i heard someone clapping

Me: wat the 😨

August: my bad ma u spunded good

Me: thanks soo umm

August: lets get workin

**3 hours later**

We finish the song called "no love"

August: i love the song we show work together more often

Me: yea

August: and i like u song too

Me: wat song

August: the song u was workin. On earlier

Me: ohh thanks

August: can i get ur numba ma


I handed him my phone and he saved his number as sexyniga💦❤😩and i saved mine as songwriter🎶❤☕. He left and i continued to work on my song.

finally finished around like 5 something and went home,took and shower and went out to the mall. As i was walkin into the store i bumed in to someone

???: ayy watch were u goin hoe

Me: eff u talkin to like tht

Taz: aye kim shut up yo.. Wassup kay

Me: umm hay wat u doin here

Taz: just here with my friend ....u?

Me: just got done work so came here to shop

Taz: ok text me imma see u at school bye kay

Me: bye taz

He gave me a hug and walked off. As im in the store lookin around for shoes i hear a crowd screamin and i get trampled walkin out tht store. As i was trampled some one pulled me up and pulled me with them. Out the back of the mall gettin into a car and drivi away

Me: hay was the deal?

???:sorry buh couldnt have lefted u on the floor ma

Me:ok august

August: ur welcome by the way

Me: thank you


Me: where we goin

August: my house

Me: can u take me home

august: no then they gonna follow to ur house

me: who is they????

august: the crazzy fans

me: ohk

august: yea

We just sat there in silence the whole ride. Wen we got then his house was huge. We got out and hurried in the house the house was beautiful i wen and sst on the coach and started to dozz off.

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