Hey hey hey I'm Kacie I'm 17 in my last year of high school I go to Covington high school my mom died when I was 14 because of cancer and my father is nowhere to be found. I live by myself in the beautiful home my mom left me along with $50,000 .
Today i had a some stuff goin on so i got up really early to see wat i had happenin today
*august pool party *hoppin with taz *meetin my dad
Yea i said meetin my dad he got in touch with me some how buh i was meetin with him today will ill be shoppim with taz today buh i got up and did my daily hygiene nd got dress in a black long sleeve crop top ,and balck sweat pants, with grey shorts, and black underwears, and my black and white weed socks, with black uggs, and red and white bucket hat, with my hair braided back
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Atfer i was done i left out to go to school buh i stoped and McDonald's for breackfast wen i was done eatin in my car i got out walked i. The school to see ppl lookin at me like im New or some shid buh i walked to my locker and got my books and walked to class wen i got in class some girl i was in my seat buh look like tht girl tht taz is with. So i went over. There
Me:u in my seat
Me:the whole piont of sayin tht was for u to move
???: look bitch i anit goina move so go get a new seat
Me: look idk who u r or some shidd buh i said move tf
Taz: aye kay yo plz can u go get a new seat plz
Me:no nigga tf u supost to be me friend buh u want to sit next to ur hoe girl to suck off her face which probly had dock and cum all over it
???: really u dont know me or wat i do
Me:stfu ashely i know wat u do fuckin the football, backetball, teams bitch foh
Ashley: know wat bitch lets go
Me: nahh ion wanna go anywere wif u
Ashley: fight me
Me: nahh u good ion fight lil ass girls im gone
Ashley:lil hoe
Me: thts wat u r
With tht i walked out the school and went home and went to sleep i needed get up at 4 to meet my dad
**3 hours later**
I got up and went to the mall cuz i just wanna get the over with and go to the pool party. Wen i got there i sat at a table and some man sat in it
Me: umm hi
???: omg my babygirl look so beautiful grown up
Me:im not really sure thts u tell me something tht only my parents know
Dad: ur full name is kacie camron king U like the color blue U had a lil cat u took care of wen u was younger U wanted to be a singer wen u grow up