Hey hey hey I'm Kacie I'm 17 in my last year of high school I go to Covington high school my mom died when I was 14 because of cancer and my father is nowhere to be found. I live by myself in the beautiful home my mom left me along with $50,000 .
I got up did my mornin hygiene and got dressed goin to school
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August picked me uo and drove me to school yea we datin now its been 3weeks and every things go.........for now he seems quite ....too quite. He must had did sum buh idc if he did as long as sooner than later he tells me with even havin to ask. Buh anyways he pulls up to my school and i give him a kiss before gettin out walik in the hallways goin to call only to me stoped buh taz.
"So u goin with august now ?" he asked lookin pissed
Yea so wat
"Better watxh out for him he dont wife em "
Gettin the fuck out my face yo i aint up for ur bull shit today. Every fuckin day its stuff with u. U fuckin crazy baster
After i said tht he fuckin puched my in my fuckin eye yo hall nah i hit back in his eye and all i know awhole bunch of guys started jumpin my i saw jordan and Christian try to help till i black out - - - - - - - - - I heard talkin buh couldn move or speak. I heard voice buh cant make it out.
"She is in a coma and we dont know wen she will be out "
"Ok doc "
Im in the hospital after the talkin stoped the door closed and felt someone grab my hand.
"Damn.........hay babah i know u can hear me so im sorry i been distened lately i-ive be cheatin im so sorry i dont y i do it or did it buh its every time i see a girl wen i go out with the boy i get drunk im sorry babah and wen u wake up and wanna break things off i under stand buh now i need u to wake up." he ssid cryin
I still havent woke up i tried buh nothin buh i guess me and august are done cuz he havent came and seen me for a while only ppl tht came to seen me was jordan, Christian, david, rick, mike, Michel, royalty, macy, Brittney and josh They say he has a new girl buh ion care no more just wanna wake up.